

   1 两个场景(幼儿园、公园)

   2 幼儿人手一只书包,内置各种食物(水果、饮料、干点等)。

   3 大灰狼胸饰、实物图片卡。

   4 圈若干个,红色、绿色圆形纸盘。

   5 音乐(轻音乐、"Riding in my car"、"Traffic light"、"My little baby"、"Old MacDonald had a farm")


   一 晨间接待(幼儿相继入园,教师和幼儿一一打招呼):


   T:Good morning, ××.

   C:Good morning, Summer.

   T:Who took you here?


   T:How are you today?

   C:FineOKI'm happyI'm so so ...

   T:OK. I seeI'm happy to hear thatI'm sorry to hear that...

   T:Go back to your seatGo back to your seats.

   二 点名:

   T:OK. It's time to take attendance. Ready?


   T:OK. Let's begin.


   C:I'm hereYes.

   T:Is everyone here?


   T:Boys and girls, can you tell me what's the weather like today?

   C:It's sunnyrainycloudy...

   T:It's a fine day. And we'll go to the park to have an outing. Are you ready?


   T:OK. Let's go. Everybody, stand up. Follow me. Let's sing the song " Riding in my car "

   (" Riding in my car "的音乐响起,幼儿跟着音乐一边唱一边接火车去公园)


   三 晨间活动:


   T:We have arrived the park. Everybody, put down your bags. Put them on the floor.


   T:Boys and girls, come here. Line up one by one.


   T:OK. Now, look ahead. Hands down.


   游戏一:Traffic lights.

   T:OK. Very good. First, let's play a game.


   T:Look, I have so many circles. Everyone will get a circle.(教师发给幼儿人手一个圈) Here you are.

   C:Thank you.

   T:You're welcomeNot at all.

   T:OK. Now, everybody have got a circle. (教师出示红绿圆纸盘)Look at me. I have two lights. One is green, and the other is red. When I hold the green one, you can ride in your car freely. But when I hold the red one, everybody should stop. Do you understand?


   T:OK. Listen to the music. Let's start.

   ("Traffic lights "的音乐响起,幼儿边唱边"开车")

   C:" Riding in my car car. Riding in my car car...."


   T:(教师出示绿色圆盘)Green light.

   C:(Ride in the cars).

   T:(教师出示红色圆盘)Red light.

   C:(Stop) (变换速度,循环游戏3-5次)

   T:OK. Let's stop. Boys and girls, put the circles on the floor.


   游戏二:Wolf, wolf, where are you?

   T:Everybody, come here. Line up. Let's have a rest.

   You can shake your hands.

   You can nod your heads.

   You can shrug your shoulders.

   You can sway your bodies.


   T:This time, we'll play another game: " Wolf, wolf, where are you?"


   T:Look, what's this?


   T:Yes, it's a wolf. First, I will ask one child come here to be the wolf. Who want to have a try?

   C:Let me try.

   T:××, come here. Now, you are the wolf. You can stand here.

   (To other children)

   T:And we are all the animals. We should ask the wolf, "Wolf, wolf, where are you?" When the wolf answers, "I'm here." Everyone should escape into the circles. If someone can't take any circle, he or she will be take by the wolf , and the wolf will eat you. Do you understand?


   T:OK. Are you ready?


   T:OK. One, two, start.

   C1:Wolf, wolf, where are you?

   Wolf, wolf, where are you? ...

   C2:I'm here.

   C1:(Escape in to the circles)


   四 休息活动(午睡)

   T:OK. So much for this . Everybody come here. Let's make a big circle hands in hands.


   T:OK. Sit down, please.


   T:We are all tired. It's time to have a rest.("My little baby" 的音乐响起)

   You can put your hands like this.(双手合拢放在下巴处)Close your eyes. Listen to the music. Be quiet.

   C:(Go to sleep) (音乐停止)

   T:OK. It's time to get up. You can open your eyes.

   C:(Open their eyes)

   五 教育教学活动:


   T:The following time, we'll study.


   T:Look, I have many sticks. You can guess, what this? OK?


   T:What's this?


   活动二:Sing a song

   T:Next, we'll sing a song "Old MacDonald had a farm". Listen to the music.


   C:"Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O ... "

   六 餐点:

   T:OK. Boys and girls, take your bags here.


   T:Sit down, please. Next, you can open your bags and introduce your food to us. Who want to be the first?

   C:Let me try.

   T:××, you please.

   C: I carried apple, cake, water ...

   T:OK. I see. So much food . I think they are all very delicious.



   T:OK. You can eat your food.


   T:It's late. We'll go back to kindergarten. Everybody, stand up. Let's say Bye-bye to teachers.

   C:Bye-bye teachers .



文章标签:英语教案  幼儿英语  幼儿英语教案