

   1 教学内容:

   以"Why should I learn English"话题作为导入,指导学生根据写作要求,用brainstorming方式组织材料, 小组合作写一篇书面表达"My Experience of learning English"。

   2 教学目标:

   (1) 写作技能目标:在学习了reading 之后, 理解掌握文章的基本内容,掌握本单元的词汇和句型,熟悉写作的基本方法,培养写作的基本技能。

   (2) 学习策略目标:小组合作通过观察、体验、探究等形式培养写作技能并资源共享。

   (3) 情感态度目标:让学生通过倾听、讨论、体验、分享、激励等合作过程,培养合作精神。

   3 教学重点、难点


   4 教学过程:

   Step I Pre-Writing:

   Task 1 : learn the way of preparing oneself before writing.

   T: In the reading period, we have mentioned the topic "Why do so many people speak English?" You have so many wonderful ideas. Right? Now everyone, let's ask ourselves again " Why should I learn English?" ( Write " Why should I learn English?" on the blackboard.)

   S1: I learn English to talk to native speakers.

   S2: To go to university .


   T: Well, let's show your ideas on a map.

   (Show the map on the screen.)

   T: We put your ideas into a map so that we can see the ideas easily. This map can help us write an excellent composition. Now, do you know how to prepare yourself before writing?

   To use for business To go to university

   To talk to native To read English

   speakers books

   To write to pen To listen to English

   friends music and movies

   Ss: Yes.

   T: Turn to page 15. Read out the writing steps.


   Step II While-Writing:

   T: Just now we talk about why you should English. And we all understand that we should learn English well. But as we know, it is not an easy job to learn English well. Why not share our experience of learning English? The more we share, the more progress we will make. Firstly, let's take a look at some famous people's experience on learning English

   Task 2 Group work. Write a passage on "My experience of learning English"

   T: Turn to page53, WRITING TASK. Now work in groups and do brainstorming on the topic.. Remember to take notes about the paragraphs for the writing .

   Paragraph 1 My problems in learning English.

   Paragraph 2 How I can improve my English.

   Paragraph 3 What I like about learning English.

   Paragraph 4 How I hope to make use of my English.

   My problems Ideas for improvement Why I like English My future with English

   (备注:根据班级情况分成几个小组,考虑到写作后还要交流汇报,时间有限,以4-6组为宜。小组成员集体酝酿切磋内容要点,列出提纲后,组内各个成员各自先独立写作,然后集体评议修改,组内再整合成一篇较好的书面表达。写作的过程符合新课标的 "通过观察、体验、探究等积极主动的学习方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习的能力 "。)

   Step Ⅲ Post-Writing:

   Task 3: Each group leader comes to show their writing to the class on the projector and gets a score given by the whole class according to the following assessment criteria.

   Assessment criteria:

   Content/ information 30 points

   Fluency 20 points

   Planning 20 points

   Grammar 20 points

   Presentation 10 points

   Task 4: Revise the writing in groups.


   Step Ⅳ Homework

   Write a passage on "My experience of learning X"


  • revise [ri´vaiz] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.修订;修改 四级词汇

文章标签:英语教案  高一