
Lebanon War Inquiry Brings Calls for Olmert's Resignation (2/2)

"I am convinced that the decisions that he made were the right ones. I am convinced that he made those decisions based on the data, on the information given to him by the chief of staff and by the generals, the head[s] of the army."

The inquiry commission sees things differently. It reportedly concludes that Mr. Olmert failed to question the army's battle plans, publicly stated his war aims without ensuring that they were attainable and did not have an exit strategy.

Israeli forces entered Lebanon after Hezbollahguerrillas began firing thousands of rockets into Israel. Despite a 34-day air and ground assault, the Israeli army failed to defeat about 5,000 guerrillas in southern Lebanon. In addition, reserve soldiers returning from the battlefield complained of poor preparations and a lack of food and ammunition" class="hjdict" word="ammunition" target=_blank>ammunition.

Media reports say the commission does not recommend that the prime minister resign. But if he stays in power, analysts believe he will be weak and ineffective.

  • lebanon [´leibənən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.黎巴嫩 六级词汇
  • publicly [´pʌblikli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.公然;公众所有地 六级词汇
  • battlefield [´bætlfi:ld] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.战场 六级词汇
  • ammunition [,æmju´niʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.军火,弹药 四级词汇
