
Hand Washing by Birth Attendants, Mothers Saves Lives (2/2)

The findings appear in July's Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine.Hand washing can prevent the spread of many infections. Hand washing is especially important before and after preparing food, before eating and after using the toilet. People should wash their hands after cleaning a baby and after handling animals or animal waste.

Hand washing is also a good idea after handling money and after sneezing or coughing. And wash hands often when someone at home is sick.

Experts say the most effective way to wash is to rub the hands together while using soap and warm water. They say you do not need special antibacterial soap. Be sure to rub all areas of the hands for about ten to fifteen seconds. The rubbing action helps remove germs. Then rinse the hands with clean water and dry them.

Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are rubbed into the hands and do not require soap and water. Experts say these products must contain at least sixty percent alcohol to be effective. Professor Tielsch says hand sanitizers are OK for mothers to use but should not be used on babies' skin.


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