
英美文化差异 British and American Culture 2

来源:BBC 作者: 发布时间:2007-10-24

tend to,

Oliver: 当英国人用 tend to 的时候,表示通常是什么样子或者通常做什么事情。

British people tend to be 他们本来的样子。

Jo: To blow your own trumpet.

Oliver: 这可是一个非常有用的成语。字面上讲是吹响自己的喇叭的意思,实际的意思是自吹自擂。自我吹嘘。

Jo: Bad manners.

Oliver: 不礼貌、坏习惯。

Jo: To promote.

Oliver: 抬高、拔高和 to promote oneself 在这里都有同样的意思那就是猛说自己的


Jo: You'll hear the word upfront.

Oliver: 在前面。

Jo: Forthright.

Oliver: 直率的。

Jo: Sarcasm and sarcastic.

Oliver: Sarcasm 是个名词,意思是挖苦、讽刺,sarcastic 是形容词,讽刺的。


We tend not to blow our own trumpets ? we think it's bad manners to promote

oneself, whereas in the US, that's a good quality, a positive quality.

I think Americans are louder, more upfront, less understanding of sarcasm;

whereas Brits tend to be more subtle, tend to be less forthright and their humour

is a little bit more sarcastic.

Oliver: Zhong Shi 朋友,对于我们短短的节目来讲,你提的这个问题可真是有点


Jo: That almost brings us to the end of our Ask About Britain

programme, but if you have a question you want to ask about

British language or culture, email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk.

Oliver: Well, see you next time.

Jo: Bye for now.


Whereas 相反的 Subtle 敏感的、微妙的

Distinct 明显的 Blatant 招摇的

Primarily 首先的,主要的 Remnants 残存的

Class system (classes) 等级制度 Socio-economic 社会经济的

As opposed to 与之相反的 To blow your own trumpet 自吹自擂

Upfront 前面的 Forthright 直率的

Sarcasm 讽刺、挖苦 Sarcastic 讽刺的

文章标签:美文  文化差异