
7 Things You Can Do Right Now to Help Your Career

Most career advice you receive focuses on the big picture: how to get ahead, how to "win", and such things that are on a much larger scale than the daily grind that most of us face. In fact, it is that day to day grind that pulls down many of us-we go to work, come home exhausted, and often feel as though we're just spinning our wheels.

If you want to get ahead in your career and in your life, you need to start small and look at the immediate things you can do to help out your situation. If you're sitting out there at your desk, tiredly wondering if there's something better that you can be doing with your life, start with these seven tips that you can start executing immediately that will lead you down a path towards a better career.

1. make a list of all of the things you did today (this week or this month) to help your organization, and file them away.

Whenever you have a few spare moments, make a list of all of the things you are actually doing at work. Date them and provide specific examples. When you've made this list, drop it in a folder and let it sit there until your next performance review-or the next time you ask for a raise or a promotion.

2. Send a thank-you note

If you've recently been assisted in your career or personal development by someone, spend a few moments and send that person a handwritten thank-you note. The respect, kindness, and personal touch of a handwritten thank you creates an indelible positive mark in your favor in the recipient's mind, which can do nothing but help you out in the long run.

3. Work on your writing skills

Starting a blog related to a work-related topic that interests you is a good way to practice your skills. Don't be lazy with it, though; Focus on writing strong material that will engage others, because without it, you're not really improving your skills at all.

4. suggest a solution to a persistent workplace problem

This is especially true for smaller things, not necessarily big enterprise-wide issues. Workplace tensions between two people? Figure out how to most discreetly move them far apart from each other, write it up, and ship it off. The key is to make the solution as complete as possible, so that the boss can tell you saw a problem, looked into how to solve it, and came up with a solution on your own.

5. work on your language skills

spend your spare time working no the finer points. I find that listening to audio-books and pod-casts is an incredible way to pick up on the nuances of a language given that you already know the basics. If you don't know the basics , seek out some audio courses on that language and get started. For myself, I've found that a great way to pick up a foreign language is to read a translation of a work I'm already very familiar with, such as Harry Potter.

6. work on your public speaking skills

This seems like it would be difficult to do right now, but its not . Merely listen to the work of great public speakers on the internet, burn yourself a CD or two of speeches that really inspire you , then play them in your car on the way home and practice speaking along with them. You'll learn a great deal about how to enunciate words to get your points across and influence others.

7. Clean your work area

Not only will this create a better impression of you in the eyes of others, you may also come across important materials that you thought were missing or lost. It's also good to start (or enhance) a document filing system when you do this, so you can quickly find materials.