
Do you like to do some work out?



Nowadays, people regard sports not only as games, but also as a kind of culture and an indispensable part of their life. Sports stars have become the heroes of our times. They are a good topic in our daily life. 的确,运动正成为现代人日常生活中不可分割的一部分。崇尚运动,拥抱自然,你将拥有活力四射的智慧和灵魂。

接下来,你将看到橄榄球迷AL和Liu Ming之间的一番对话,他俩兴致勃勃地商量周末要去做什么事情呢?


AL: Hi, Liu! Are you doing anything on Saturday?

LIU: No. Why?

AL: We're going to a football game. The Giants are playing the Cowboys.

LIU: Really? Sure! That would be fun.

AL: I'll pick you up at eleven and we'll go together.

LIU: Look forward to it. Bye!

知道了AL 和 Liu Ming 周末要去看橄榄球赛之后,你还可以仔细考虑下列的一些问题。它们将有助你更深地理解对话并且学到有关making an arrangement的技巧。

Pay attention to

-how Al invites Liu to a football game,

-in what way Liu accepts Al's invitation, and,

-how they make the arrangements.

Notice that when they are making arrangements, they decide on

(1) what they will do, and

(2) when and where they will go.

听完了AL怎么邀请Liu Ming去看橄榄球赛,你是不是也想邀请自己的朋友去看一场热火朝天的球赛呢?这个时候,你还可以这么说:

Are you free on Sunday afternoon? Would you like to watch a football match with me?

We're going to watch a football match this Sunday, and we'd love for you to come.

Let's go to Beijing Workers' Stadium to watch a football match.

Why not join us in watching the football match?



1) Is the sport popular in China?

2) What sort of ball is used in the game?

3) Is there any special equipment required?

4) How many players are there on each team?

5) Could you tell me something about the ground where the game is played?

6) Could you tell me something about the rules of the game?

7) Do I need any special training if I want to participate in the sport?

8) Is the sport dangerous? Why or why not?


1. Do you like to do some work out? No, I want to play badminton. 你想不想去作运动啊?不,我想打羽毛球。

提到运动,大家第一个想到的词可能就是 exercise,但是你会发现在美国更常听到的是 work out 。所谓的 work out,主要是指一些健身房的运动。例如你去举重 (lift weight),上跑步机 (treadmill),或是做有氧运动 (aerobics) 都算是 work out。但是如果是去打网球,就不要说 work out,一般就直接说 I am going to play tennis。

2. Is a court available now? We want to book it now.


一般的运动场地可分为二种,一种是 first come,first serve。(先到先赢) 另一种就是需要 reserve 的。如果是需要 reserve 的场地,你可以打电话说I want to book a court from 3 to 4pm 就可以了。你还可以说 I want to make a reservation from 3 to 4pm 。

3. Good game. Man. You took me easily. 这是一场很棒的比赛,你轻轻松松地击败我了。

Good game 这句话常见于打完球你和你的对手互相客套的时候。 如果你输了,你说 Good game. Man. You took me easily. 就表示你输得心甘情愿。要是真的输得很惨的话,你还可以说You really kicked my ass。

Let's call it a day. 当你打球打得很累的时候,说上这么一句,就表示今天就打到这里吧。那么下一次,我们去做些什么呢?是去Go swimming, go sailing, go fishing, go skating还是go bowling啊?不如去go shopping吧!Many girls are crazy about shopping. 下周,我们就带你逛遍商场,轻松购物!
  • participate [pɑ:´tisipeit] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.参与;分享;带有 四级词汇
  • fishing [´fiʃiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.钓鱼;捕鱼;渔业 四级词汇