



Many of my friends are in a puzzle about why I choose Japanese as my second foreign language. They hold that, on the one hand , currently I am totally busy enough to afford learning a new language; on the other hand, I can choose other European languages such as German to learn.

As a matter of fact, I also know that I cannot be busier these days. Endless tasks and word have already exhausted all my ginger when the end of day comes. However, since I have planned to learn another foreign language during my college life, I think I should learn it earlier, so that I can get the hang of it as soon as possible. In fact, I think I should have learnt it when I was a freshman. Nevertheless, at that time, I am still a little perplexed about my future development and totally have no idea what to do to realize my dreams. I just knew that I must learn my major as well as English well, so as to be more competent and competitive than others. Not until last semester did I ultimately form a distinctive picture in my mind about my future orientation. i deeply know that I am raring to master Japanese. Armed with my good English and would-be-good Japanese, I will become more qualified for the full-of-fiercecompetition society. Though my Japanese cannot be worse presently, I have great confidence in learning it well through my constant and tough efforts.

In fact, there is still another reason behind my learning Japanese. As is widely shared, the conditions of Japan could not be better than China. Conversely, it was far worse. The devastating world war two brought a seemingly fatal disaster to Japan. Besides, its territory is as small as narrow island, on which there are just 188 million people. Furthermore, its natural resources are too scanty to afford any further development. However, the result is downright beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Japan rose not only fascinatingly but also surpassingly, winning the crown of the second most powerful countries in economy and outrunning China by a large margin, which owns far more workforces and resources than Japan.

We may eagerly wonder what on earth makes such a tiny and seemingly unregarded country so successful during the past decades. Economist may come up with thousands of reasons why Japan has been blossoming so fleetly , as well as thousands of reasons why China has fallen behind so tremendously. Whereas, from my point of view, there is a vitally significant factor we should by no means neglectthat is the spirits of the Japanese people. they have a great commitment towards their job and many of them are considerably treasuring time and totally workaholics. They place working in the first place and never late for work or knock off ahead of time. Moreover, the Japanese people are environment-protection-conscious. Almost each other bring an handkerchief with themselves in the pocket and try to avoid the use of napkins. They look on using the napkins as wasting the natural resources, because napkins are made of woods and glasses. I still remember a piece of news I read online before. during a football match in Japan, there were over 20 000 football aficionados on the spot , yelling agog during the whole process. However, when the match came to an end and all the fans left the gym, the cleaners could not find even a small bit of paper left on the ground. Amazing , right?

Imagine what would have happened if thethe match had been held in China? The answer is evident. This implies that the Japanese people really have a high sense of responsibility and patriotism towards their own country. Is it possible to fail to develop swiftly for such a civilized nation? I suppose not! That is exactly what we should learn from Japan! If our spirits and thoughts are reluctant to alter, it is definitely impossible for us to develop as fast and well as Japan does!

Thereby, through learning Japanese, I can further sample the Japanese culture and explore the deep-seated essence in its customs. Learning language is really of great help, not only to your future development , but also to your insightful mind.
  • totally [´təutəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.统统,完全 四级词汇
  • freshman [´freʃmən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(大学)新生,新手 六级词汇
  • competitive [kəm´petitiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.竞争的,比赛的 四级词汇
  • ultimately [´ʌltimitli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.最后,最终 四级词汇
  • distinctive [di´stiŋktiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.有区别的;有特色的 四级词汇
  • seemingly [´si:miŋli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.表面上;似乎 四级词汇
  • downright [´daunrait] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.直率的 ad.彻底 六级词汇
  • fascinatingly [´fæsineitiŋli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.迷人地 四级词汇
  • winning [´winiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.&a.胜利(的) 四级词汇
  • economist [i´kɔnəmist] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.经济学家;节俭的人 四级词汇
  • tremendously [tri´mendəsli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.可怕地;极大地 四级词汇
  • wasting [´weistiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.&n.浪费(的) 四级词汇
  • reluctant [ri´lʌktənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.勉强的;难得到的 四级词汇
  • essence [´esəns] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.本质;要素;精华 四级词汇
