



点击进入经典单曲<Everything i do> 为你倾情!!!

《The Best Of Me》

Sung By "Bryan Adams"

you got it

Sometimes words are hard to find

I'm looking for that perfect line

To let you know you're always on my mind

Ya this is love - n' i've learned enough to know

I'm never lettin' go

No, no, no - won't let go

When you want it - when you need it

You'll always have the best of me

I can't help it - believe it

You'll always get the best of me

I may not always know what's right

But i know i want you here tonight

Gonna make this moment last for all your life

Oh ya this is love - n' it really means so much

I can tell from every touch

No, no, no - can't get enough

When you want it - when you need it

You'll always have the best of me

I can't help it - believe it

You'll always get the best of me

Ya this is love - n' i've learned enough to know

I'm never lettin' go

No, no, no - won't let go

You'll always have the best of me

You'll always get the best of me

You'll always have the best of me

You'll always get the best of me... Oh!

When you want it - when you need it

You'll always have the best of me

I can't help it - believe it

You'll always get the best of me

When you want it - when you need it

You'll always have the best of me

I can't help it - believe it

You'll always get the best of me

Bryan Adams于1959年11月5 日生于加拿大的安大略省,1991年红极一时的影片《罗宾汉》的主题曲"Everything I Do,I Do It for you"使Bryan Adams成为广为人知的国际巨星。"Everything I Do,I Do It For You"推出后,在美国的单曲排行榜上连续七周居第一,并在15 周内就创造了300万张的巨额销量。

Bryan Adams的流行摇滚风格和他那富于情感魅力的演唱为他赢得了无数的歌迷。而在"Everything I Do,I Do It For You"成为一首流行金曲之后,布莱恩亚当斯也仿佛找到感觉。这之后,他又推出了"All For Love","Have You Every Rally Loved A Woman"等歌曲,继续了他的抒情歌曲路线,一首比一首流行,其中"All For Love"一曲与 Rodsteward,Sting合作,三大巨星各具风格,交相辉映。2005年推出新碟Room Service,随后颁发精华集Anthology 。Bryan Adams同时也热衷于摄影。

Bryan Adams 是八十年代出现的最著名的摇滚歌手之一,他曾经出过一系列的白金唱片和打榜的最佳歌曲。在开始事业的时候,他更多以摇滚歌曲为主,事业取得一些成就之后才开始民谣、情歌。

Bryan Adams出生于加拿大,出道时只是个摇滚音乐的歌曲写手,1981年开始出自己的专辑。

最后由 courageokok 于 2007-05-09 12:58 编辑

