
  Most British pensioners would have more sex if they could turn the clock back, according to a poll.


  Seven out of 10 people aged 65 and over said they would make more time to make love if they could have their days again.


  Sex was followed by travelling the world (57%) and changing professions (43%) as the most popular wishes pensioners had, if they could go back in time.Other regrets included saving for a pension (40%), standing up to their boss (33%), marrying someone else (21%), spending more cash on luxuries (19%) and setting up a business (16%).


  They found twenty-somethings were surprisinglyconservative, with financial security and politics among the top three - and little sign of sex.


  Top among their regrets was property fears, with almost four out of five (77%) wishing they had joined the property ladder earlier.This was followed by more than half (56%) regretting they had wasted money and 45% wishing they had voted differently in the last election.Other regrets included not being famous (44%), not travelling more widely (34%), losing their virginity to the wrong person (32%), not studying harder at school (30%) and drinking too much (29%).


  (国际在线独家资讯 蒋黎黎)

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