
Keep your shirts on 保持冷静

Guys, keep your shirts on, all right?

NO one enjoys watching a fight. Read the following dialogue and learn how to comfort those consumed by anger.

Teacher: Hey, what's the problem?

Student A: He broke my MP3 player! I just bought it last week.

Student B: I said I'm sorry! It was an accident.

Teacher: OK, I got it. But both of you need to keep your shirts on, all right? Fighting's not going to fix the MP3 player.

Student A: But my parents are going to be mad with me.

Student B: I'll buy you a new one.

Teacher: OK, fine, just take it easy, all right? We'll figure something out...

Keep your shirts on: 保持冷静,别发火

The idiom means to "control your temper". In the past, people sometimes fought only after removing their shirts (so as not to get blood on them). If you tell someone to keep their shirts on, you're telling them to control their temper and avoid getting into a fight.

take it easy: 放松点,别激动

Besides, we recommend three more expressions:

Take a "chill pill".

Why don't you just take a chill pill?

Chill out.

Chill out, brother!

Stay cool. 别激动