
Dialogue 对 话
1. Keep it.
A: 你身材怎么这么好? A: How do you keep so fit?
B: 哦,这么说太好了。 B: Oh, it's very nice of you
to say that.
A: 你就象杂志里走出来的模特。 A: You look like a model from
the magazine.
B: 谢谢你这样说。 B: Thank you for saying so.
2. It's just what I had in mind.
A: 莉莉,我让我的朋友从法国给 A: Lily, I had my friend get

你带来了香水。 the perfume for you from
B: 你真有心。 B: It's very considerate of
A: 这是你要找的那种牌子吗? A: Is this the right brand
you were looking for?
B: 没错。这正是我想要的。 B: Exactly. It's just what had in mind.

3. I can't afford it.
A: 莉莎,你喜欢这辆跑车吗? A: Lisa, do you like that ra-
ce car?
B: 喜欢,它很漂亮。我做梦都想自 B: Yes, it's cool. I've been
己拥有一辆那样的车。 dreaming of having a car
of my own like that.
A: 那么,你为什么不买呢?这对你 A: Then, why don't you buy
来说很容易。 it? It's a piece of cake
for you.
B: 跟你说实话,我现在买不起。 B: To tell you the truth, I
can't afford it now.
A: 你开玩笑?钱对你来说不是问题。 A: Are you kidding? Money is
not a problem for you.
B: 可是我所有的钱都在股票市场上。 B: But all my money is in the
我暂时还不想抛掉我的股票。 stock market. I don't want
to sell my stocks out for
the time being.


文章标签:学英语  对话  精彩