

第八天 About writing

(1) Writing is hard work for almost everyone. It is difficult to do the intense and active thinking that clear writing demands. Perhaps television has made us all so passive that the active thinking necessary in both writing and reading now seems doubly hard. It is frightening to sit down before a blank sheet of paper and know that an hour later, nothing on it may be worth keeping. It is frustrating to discover how much of a challenge it is to transfer thoughts and feelings from one's head onto a sheet of paper. It is upsetting to find that an apparently simple writing subject often turns out to be complicated, but writing is not an automatic process; we will not get something for nothing; and we cannot expect something for nothing. Competent writing results only from plain hard work-determination, sweat, and head-on battle.(2) Writing is a skill, like driving, typing, or cooking. Like any skill, it can be learned-if you decide that you are going to learn it, and if you then really work at it. All skills improve with practice, so the more you write, the better your writing will become.


写作几乎对每个人来说都是项苦差事。清晰有条理的写作需要积极活跃的思维活动,而这并不容易做到。或许电视使我们所有人都太被动了,以至于现在写作和阅读所必须的活跃思维似乎加倍困难。坐在一张空白纸的面前并且知道一小时之后上面的内容或许一个字都不值得保留,这种感觉让人害怕。意识到要把脑海中的思想和感觉写到纸上是多大的挑战,这让人感到沮丧。一个看似简单明了的写作主题却经常如此的复杂,这又会让人心烦意乱。但写作不是一个自动的过程, 我们不会不劳而获,我们无法期盼不劳而获。令人满意的写作只能来源于全然的辛勤工作――决心、汗水和正面的战斗。

