

§ Lesson 38 Everything except the weather 唯独没有考虑到天气

【New words and expressions】 生词和短语

★except prep 除了

except /except for /besides /apart from

★Mediterranean n (the ~)地中海

Mediterranean n.地中海(=Mediterranean sea, 位于欧, 亚, 非三大洲之间), 地中海沿岸的居民 adj.地中海的, 地中海民族的

★complain v 抱怨

complain to sb : 向某人抱怨 / complain of/about : 抱怨某事

continually adv 不断地

continue v.继续, 连续, 延伸

continuously : 连续不断地 / continually : 连续地, 频繁地(时断时续)

the baby cry continually.

★bitterly adv 刺骨地

bitterly cold : 刺骨地寒冷: It's bitterly cold.

chilly : 寒冷的

bitterly disappointed : 彻底的失望: I am bitterly disappointed.

disappoint vt.使失望

★sunshine n 阳光

也可直接用 "sun" 表示阳光

a drop of : 一缕

a drop of sunshine一缕阳光

【Text】 要求背诵课文

Lesson 38 Everything except the weather 唯独没有考虑到天气

First listen and then answer the question.听录音, 然后回答以下问题.

Why did Harrison sell his house so quickly?

My old friend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for many years before. He returned to England. He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country. He had no sooner returned than he bought a fine house and went to live there. Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold. After so many years of sunshine, Harrison got a shock. He acted as if he had never lived in England before. In the end, it was more than he could bear. He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country. The dream he had had for so many years ended there. Harrison had thought of everything except the weather.


dream of : 想, 梦见(梦想)

think of : 想(思维的活动), 考虑

settle down : 定居

no sooner...than : (关联词)一...就...

同义as soon as,the moment,on doing

had no sooner done...than一般过去时, 固定用法 (时态结构 : 完成时态 + than + 一般过去时)

he had no sooner arrived than he called me up.

no sooner放在句首就要倒装 : No sooner had he arrived than he called me up(倒装)

almost immediately : 几乎马上, 很快地 (时间上的快, 常用于写作)

for : (连词)表示因为(解释说明, 附加的)=because因为(一定要说的)

even though--从句的连词, "即使"(让步状语从句)

even though I came here, my mind was absent尽管我人来了, 但我还是心不在焉

for+并列句, 做主句

so many years : 这么多年

after + ...

after it rained for days = after so many days of rain 在这么多天雨之后

after seven years of hard work, he was successful

after ten years of staying in abroad, he decided to return and settle down

get a shock : 吓了一跳, 吃了一惊

as if+句子 : 似乎, 好像

过去完成时, 虚拟语气, 与事实相反, 后面的条件是假的

he acted as if he was poor. (as if 后是真是假, 应根据上下文来看)

my leg hurts as if it was broken.

even though--even if

as if-- as though

in the end, it was more than he could bear他再也不能忍受 (口语常用)

It was more than I could understand.

I can't affard it = it was more than I can affard.

hardly...when...:还没来得及...就...; 用法同no sooner ... than

hardly had sb done (hardly在句首, 要倒装)

have time to do sth : 有时间做某事

I have no time to talk with you. 我没时间和你说话

I have time enough to have coffee. 我有足够的时间喝咖啡

knock out : 打晕, 击倒

he had hardly opened his eyes when he was knocked out.

The dream he had had for so many years ended there. 句子主干 : the dream ended

He had had the dream for so many years. (the dream 作宾语, 是先行词)

except : 除...外, 减号关系

【Letter writing】书信写作

The Date: The following months of the year are usually written in full: March, April, May, June and July. The remaining months are often written as follows:'Jan.','Feb.','Aug.','Sept.','Oct.','Nov.',and'Dec.'.

日期 : 每年下列月份写出全称 : 3月, 4月, 5月, 6月和7月. 剩余的月份写成 : Jan. (1月); Feb. (2月); Aug. (8月); Sept. (9月); Oct. (10月); Nov. (11月)和Dec. (12月).

【Key structures】 关键句型


no sooner...than...


【Special Difficulties】 难点:

Words often confused and misused 经常容易混淆和误用的词

Study these sentences: 细读以下的例句 :

a No sooner...than (一......就); hardly...when (几乎未来得及......就......)

He had no sooner returned than he bought a house. (11.3-4)

He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house. (1.9)

b Country (国家, 乡间) and Countryside (农村).

He had planned to settle down in the country. (1.3)

He sold the house and left the country. (1.9)

The countryside around Vienna is very beautiful. 维也纳周围的乡村非常漂亮.

c Continuously (连续不断地) and Continually (频繁地).

It rained continually. (1.6) (i. e. At frequent intervals.) 天频繁地下雨.

The river flows under this bridgecontinuously. (i. e. It does not stop at all.) 河水不停地从桥下流过.

a. no sooner...than...


b. country(国家, 乡间)

countryside(农村)景色 seaside

in the country : 在乡下住

Exercises 练习

A Join these sentences using no sooner than:

用no sooner than连接下列句子:

1 I had left the house. It began to rain.

2 We had hung the picture on the wall. It fell down.

No sooner...than...

No sooner 放在had done 中间, than 放在两大句子的中间, 不需要逗号

B Choose the correct words in the following sentences:

选用适当的词填空 :

1 The sea moves (continuously) (continually).

2 He borrows money from people (continuously) (continually).

3 The Robertsons do not live here anymore. They now live in the (countryside) (country).

1 countinuously 2 continually 3 country The Robertsons 表示一家人

【Multiple choice questions】多项选择题

5 It was more than he could bear. He couldn't bear it ______.

a. more b. longer c. any longer d. no more

5. not any more / not any longer / not any further不再

not more = less比...少 / not longer不是更长

4 He acted ______ he had never lived in England before.

a. as though b. like c. as d. even if

4. as if = as though 作宾语

act as if/though习惯用法

as if 是宾语从句

as 后面可以加句子, like 后面加词, as if 加在后面只能作状语

even if即使

11 He______ as if he had never lived in England before.

a. made b. did c. conducted d. behaved

11. do as I did 按我所做的做

seem as if看起来象什么 / act as if 行为象什么一样 / look as if 看起来象什么一样 conduct可以做动词, 表示行为, =behave

但conduct为不及物动词, 如果作及物动词, 加oneself

他表现的很好, he conducted himself well

he behaved (as) well

【Summary writing】摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 60 words.

回答下列问题, 将答案组成一个段落, 不要超过60个单词.

1 Where had the writer's friend, Harrison, spent many years? What did he want to do? What did he buy? (but...so...)

2 Was the summer that year very good, or was it very bad? What did he complain about? (and)

3 Did Harrison sell the house in the end or not? Did he leave the country or not? (Harrison not only.. but also)


Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses:

用括号中的连词改写以下句子 :

1 He bought an old car. It was in a very bad state.(but)

2 The engine was worn out. The gearbox was full of sawdust. (The engine...not only...but...as well)

3 He could not drive it. He could no sell it. He could not even give it away. (neither...nor...nor)

1. in a bad state 状态不太好

though 虽然, even though 即使=even if

这些词出现在两句之间, 就不再加but

2. worn out 破旧不堪的 wear wore worn

engine n.发动机, 机车, 火车头 / gearbox n.变速箱

sawdust n.锯屑, 木头屑子

saw n.锯 v.锯 / dust n.灰尘, 尘土, 尘埃 vt.掸掉...上的灰尘, 撒糖于糕上

not only出现在句首要倒装,一般不会放在句首

the engine was not only worn out but the gearbox was full of sawdust

3. He could neither drive it nor sell it nor even give it away.

He could neither drive it nor sell it even nor give it away. (这样写更好)

Neither do sth nor do sth nor do sth 既不能也不能更不能
  • countryside [´kʌntrisaid] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.乡下,农村 四级词汇
  • vienna [vi´enə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.维也纳 四级词汇
  • continuously [kən´tinjuəsli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.连续(不断)地 四级词汇
  • bridge [bridʒ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.桥(梁);鼻梁;桥牌 四级词汇

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