
2.解题要求:①写出解题过程;②时间: 45分钟。
3.电话咨询:51664711 51664722


( )1.What are you going to do after school?
( )2.Where is the clinic?
( )3.Do you have a gym(体育馆)in your school?
( )4.When do you have Chinese?
( )5.What class do you like?

A.It's on the first floor.
B.On Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday and Friday.
C.I am going to play soccer.
D.We like English.
E.No,we don't.
I like 6 .It's easy and interesting.
He is going to play 7 after school.
The clinic is on the 8 floor.
We have Chinese on 9 , 10 ,Wednesday and Friday.
6. 7. 8.
9. 10.

( )1.当你想知道你的朋友通常周末都做些什么时,问:
A.What are you going to do at weekends?
B.What do you do at weekends?
C.What do you do after school?
( )2.当你想知道Helen最喜欢的电视节目是什么时,应问她:
A.What are your favorite TV programs?
B.What are your favorite sports?
C.What are your favorite animals?
( )3.当你想知道David的父亲做什么工作时,应问:
A.What did David’s father do yesterday?
B.What does David’s father do?
C.What does David’s father like?

( )4.当你想知道Mary上周日做什么了,应问:
A.Mary,what are you doing now?
B.Mary,what are you going to do this Sunday?
C.Mary,what did you do last Sunday?
( )5.当你想知道Lily今晚的安排时,应问:
A.Lily,what do you do every evening?
B.Lily,what did you do yesterday evening?
C.Lily,what are you going to do this evening?
( )6.当你想知道对方正在谈论什么时,应问:
A.What are you doing?
B.What are you talking about?
C.What can you do?
( )7.你想邀请Fred一起出去玩,但不知道他什么时候有空
A。When are you have time?
B.When will you be free?
C.What time is it?
( )8.如果你不会用英语说某物,应问:
A.Do you know English?
B.What's this in English?
C.Can you spell it,please?
( )9.你想买某个东西,但不知道价钱,应问:
A.How many?
B.How much do you need?
C.How much is it?
( )10.你想夸一只鸟很漂亮,应说:
A.It's a bird.
B.It's very beautiful.
C.It's yellow.

The Chinese New Year is a very important holiday for the Chinese people. It falls on a different date each year and lasts 15 days.Days before the New Year,every family is busy giving its house a thorough
cleaning.They decorate the doors and windows with paper—cuts and put 1anterns around their houses.On the Eve,all the family members come together to have a big dinner.It is a feast.After dinner, it is time for the who1e family to sit up for the night.They play card games or watch TV programs.Next morning,people all dress in their best clothes.Children greet their parents or grandparents and get their gifts of money in red envelopes.Then the family start out to say greetings from door to door.
1. Do you enjoy the New Year?

2. Does your family have a big feast on the Eve?

3. Do you wear new clothes during the New Year?

4. Do you get gift of money in a red envelope?

5. Do you sit up for the night?

Today it is found that school students hardly pay much attention to sports.Is it because they aren't interested in sports? No. They often say they have other more important things to do.
What are these important things? Examinations! They have to spend much time on all kinds of examination
  • wednesday [´wenzdi] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.星期三   (初中英语单词)
  • yesterday [´jestədi] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.&ad.昨天;前不久   (初中英语单词)
  • holiday [´hɔlidi] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.假日,假期,节日   (初中英语单词)
  • decorate [´dekəreit] 移动到这儿单词发声  vt.装饰;装修(房屋等)   (初中英语单词)
  • examination [ig,zæmi´neiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.检查;考试;检验   (初中英语单词)