
有一天,当我突然意识到人生变得毫无意义时,自己正以四仰八叉的姿势在看电视。或者也可能是因为电视上在播美国真人秀节目"购房人"(House Hunters)。我自己也说不清,于是转台到"波基普西贵妇的真实生活"(The Real Housewives of Poughkeepsie)(凯西发现了千层面的免煮食谱后,好像天都塌了。)但我仍无法摆脱那种无聊感。

I was splayed out in front of the tube the other day when I realized, with a start, that my life had lost all meaning. Or maybe it was just that 'House Hunters' was on.


I couldn't tell. So I flipped to 'The Real Housewives of Poughkeepsie.' ('All hell breaks looks when Kathy discovers a no-boil recipe for lasagna.') Yet I still couldn't shake my ennui.

我家有一台买了四年之久的42寸平板电视,很招摇地挂在披风上方。但据拉斯维加斯本周举办的消费电子展(Consumer Electronics Show)传出的消息,平板已经过时了。

Then, like divine intervention, I realized what was wrong. Everything on TV was just too flat.


I've got a four-year-old, 42-inch flat-screen TV that hangs ostentatiously above the mantle. But, according to the news from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week, flat is out.


Instead, according to the hucksters at CES, the latest and greatest TVs are curved, offering viewers a left-to-right concavity, like watching TV on a skateboarder's half-pipe. And, somehow, curved screens make TV better, TV makers say.


TV is stuck in an innovation cul-de-sac. There are no new ideas in TV hardware that are worth paying for, so, thanks to competition and production efficiencies, good TVs keep getting cheaper. The cheaper they get, the more desperate TV makers become, filling their sets with more and more useless piffle.


From 3D to 4K to curved screens to Sony's strange 'wedge-shaped' sets (don't ask), we are witnessing an industry out of ideas, casting about in the dark for something -- anything -- that might persuade us to part with our money.


The death of innovation in TV hasn't come about because TVs are perfect. Far from it. It remains a big hassle to find something you want to watch, or to stream TV shows and movies without consulting a handful of remotes, or to navigate your cable system's byzantine menus.

跟所有其它制造商一样,电视机制造商不能让所有与电视相连的设备都服从一个单一、友好的屏幕界面,而这样一个界面才是从根本上解决电视问题的最佳办法。(推出了游戏机Xbox One的微软(Microsoft)可谓是最接近此道的,但这需要对语音识别和动作跟踪等新技术进行巨额投资,而利润微薄的电视机制造商可能负担不起这笔投资。)

But TV makers aren't in a position to address any of these real problems. They don't have the clout to make significant deals with entertainment companies, which would be necessary to fix the problem of having to subscribe to many services in order to watch everything that you would like. They can't alter the way cable systems bundle channels, which might make it easier to cut your monthly bill.


And TV makers, like everyone else, can't make all the devices connected to your TV obey a single, friendly on-screen interface -- which would, ultimately, be the best way to crack the problem of annoying living-room tech. (Microsoft has gotten closest to doing this with its Xbox One, but it required a hefty investment in new technologies like speech-recognition and motion-tracking that TV makers likely can't afford on their razor-thin margins.)


In the absence of solving what really ails TV, manufacturers add on extras meant to fatten their profits. Take 3D, a feature that has been marketed with messianic zeal for the past few years (2010, if you didn't know, was actually billed by some as the Year of 3D TV.)


Where did that go? Nowhere. 3D was awkward (those glasses), uncomfortable (some people got headaches), and not really very interesting (there weren't many 3D shows to watch.)


This year 3D is all but dead at CES; one manufacturer, Vizio, has pulled the feature entirely, and others haven't been talking it up.


The failure of 3D doesn't necessarily mean that future TV novelties are doomed, but it sure isn't a good sign. This year, the new craze is ultra high-definition TVs, also called 4K TVs, which sport very high-resolution screens. But I question how much more high def we want our screens to be, especially in a large room from far away. To my aging eyes, today's HD is pretty good, so why pay more?

当然,Netflix曾表示将放送4K版《纸牌屋》(House of Cards),但你的网速需要达到每秒15兆才能流畅观看,这大约是美国平均宽带速度的两倍。待广播电视公司开始播放4K内容时,我才会对4K电视比较乐观。

And 4K is plagued by the same Catch-22 that hobbled 3D: Until people buy a lot of 4K sets, entertainment companies don't have much incentive to produce 4K content. But without much content, there's little reason to buy a 4K TV.

综上所述,我给你一条相当可靠的消费建议:正如BuzzFeed的约翰•赫尔曼(John Herrman)最近所写,去买一台便宜的电视吧。电视面板行业的效率已经相当之高,可以生产出价格低廉、视觉效果又相当不错的显示器。就电视机来说,没有什么能比一个好的显示器更重要,像上网之类的附加功能最好还是由Apple TV、谷歌Chromecast、Roku及Xbox和PlayStation等视频游戏系统提供。

Sure, Netflix said it will be streaming 'House of Cards' in 4K, but you'll need an Internet connectioncapable of 15 megabits per second to get it -- which is about twice as fast as the average American broadband line. I'll be more optimistic when broadcast networks sign on.


Add all of this together and you get a pretty solid piece of consumer advice: Go ahead and buy a cheap TV, as BuzzFeed's John Herrman wrote recently. The TV-panel industry has become so efficient that it can produce really good-looking displays at low prices. And you don't need much more than a good display in a TV, since add-ons like Internet streaming are much better provided by set-top boxes like Apple TV, Google Chromecast, Roku and videogame systems like Xbox and PlayStation.


What if you really, really want extras like curves and 4K? Your best bet is to wait, wait, wait. If 4K is really going to take off, you'll get a much better TV for less money in a couple of years than you will today.


TV makers aren't going to like this advice. But that's tough -- like their cousins, the PC makers, and perhaps soon, smartphone makers as well, they're hooked to the terrible, hyperscaling efficiencies afforded by global tech production. Nobody can fight these efficiencies. (That's why I'm skeptical we'll ever see an Apple-made TV set.)

Farhad Manjoo