
下, 我正在阅读马里诺(Gordon Marino)编辑的《克尔凯郭尔语录》(The Quotable Kierkegaard),书里收集了这位伟大的丹麦哲学家一些非常棒的言论。(他想让自己的墓志铭这样写:再过一会儿/我就能赢了/然后整个战斗/也就 戛然而止。)我喜欢读哲学书。大多数哲学家都是政治不正确的,他们挑战现有秩序,甚至挑战上帝。哲学家中我最喜欢尼采。他简直太疯狂了。智商至少要达到 300才能真正理解尼采。

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除 了哲学书以外,我还读历史书。一位智者曾经说过,过去无非就是穿上了可笑衣服的当下。跟亚历山大大帝有关的所有书我都读,因此我下载了帕特里克(Sean Patrick)主演的《亚历山大大帝:征服了世界的马其顿人》(Alexander the Great: The Macedonian Who Conquered the World)。所有人都以为亚历山大大帝是个巨人,但实际上他是个矮个子。他说,我宁愿在荣光中度过短暂的一生,也不愿默默无闻地度过长长的一辈子。这话 说到我——生于布鲁克林区布朗斯维尔的我——心里去了。

对过去的我来说,我的未来是什么呢?不断进出监狱,或者被人开枪打死,或者像个蟊 贼一样整天跟人打架?亚历山大大帝、拿破仑、成吉思汗、甚至是"瘦冰山"这样的皮条客,他们都是母亲的孩子。这就是为什么亚历山大大帝总是一往无前的原 因。他不想回到家里,让自己的母亲主宰自己的生活。



I'm currently reading 'The Quotable Kierkegaard,' edited by Gordon Marino, a collection of awesome quotes from that great Danish philosopher. (He wanted his epitaph to read: 'In yet a little while / I shall have won; / Then the whole fight / Will all at once be done.') I love reading philosophy. Most philosophers are so politically incorrect-challenging the status quo, even challenging God. Nietzsche's my favorite. He's just insane. You have to have an IQ of at least 300 to truly understand him. Apart from philosophy, I'm always reading about history. Someone very wise once said the past is just the present in funny clothes. I read everything about Alexander, so I downloaded 'Alexander the Great: The Macedonian Who Conquered the World' by Sean Patrick. Everyone thinks Alexander was this giant, but he was really a runt. 'I would rather live a short life of glory than a long one of obscurity,' he said. I so related to that, coming from Brownsville, Brooklyn.

What did I have to look forward to-going in and out of prison, maybe getting shot and killed, or just a life of scuffling around like a common thief? Alexander, Napoleon, Genghis Khan, even a cold pimp like Iceberg Slim-they were all mama's boys. That's why Alexander kept pushing forward. He didn't want to have to go home and be dominated by his mother. In general, I'm a sucker for collections of letters. You think you've got deep feelings? Read Napoleon's love letters to Josephine. It'll make you think that love is a form of insanity. Or read Virginia Woolf's last letter to her husband before she loaded her coat up with stones and drowned herself in a river. I don't really do any light reading, just deep, deep stuff. I'm not a light kind of guy.