
谭恩美(Amy Tan)通过一系列探索移民经历和深层人际关系的小说,如《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club)和《灶神之妻》(The Kitchen God's Wife)等建立了自己的声誉。2011年春季,她发布了两页关于自己新书的提纲,寻找一种涉及她自己的决定性关系。她说:"我终于意识到了自己需要一名编辑。"

Amy Tan has built a reputation on novels like 'The Joy Luck Club' and 'The Kitchen God's Wife' that explore the immigrant experience and deep personal relationships. In the spring of 2011, while circulating a two-page proposal for her new book, she was searching for a defining relationship of her own.

谭恩美今年61岁,从1989年出版第一本书起,她就开始了与知名编辑费丝·歇尔(Faith Sale)的密切合作。歇尔就职于普特南森出版社(G.P. Putnam's Sons),现在该出版社隶属于企鹅出版集团(Penguin Group)。1999年,当63岁的歇尔因癌症去世时,谭恩美一下子失去了她长期的读者、编辑兼朋友。

'I finally realized I needed an editor,' she said.


From the publication of her first book in 1989 onward, Ms. Tan, 61, worked closely with Faith Sale, a well-known editor at G.P. Putnam's Sons, now part of Penguin Group. When Ms. Sale died of cancer in 1999 at age 63, Ms. Tan was suddenly left without her longtime reader, editor and friend.

最近由哈珀柯林斯(HarperCollins)出版的《惊奇山谷》(The Valley of Amazement)讲述了一位中美混血女人的故事。在20世纪初的上海,小说中的女主人公成为了名噪一时的风尘女子。这部小说在详实的历史背景下,刻画了时间跨度大、涵盖几代人的母女关系,本书标志着谭恩美回归到了与使她成名的第一部小说《喜福会》类似的题材和风格上。直到现在,《喜福会》仍然是她最畅销的作品。

For years, she was 'unable to really find a replacement. I just couldn't -- I couldn't bear to,' says Ms. Tan, who also lost her mother a few weeks before Ms. Sale's death.

据谭恩美的经纪人桑德拉·迪杰斯特拉(Sandra Dijkstra)称,这位作家在全球范围内已经累计售出了约500万本图书。

'The Valley of Amazement,' out Tuesday from HarperCollins, tells the story of a half-American, half-Chinese woman who becomes a celebrated courtesan in Shanghai in the early part of the 20th century. With its sweeping, multigenerational portraits of mother-daughter relationships in a detailed historical setting, the book marks a return for Ms. Tan to the themes and style she became famous for in her first novel, 'The Joy Luck Club,' still her biggest commercial success.

一直到2001年发表《接骨师的女儿》(The Bonesetter's Daughter)以及2005年发表上一本书《沉没之鱼》(Saving Fish From Drowning),谭恩美都与普特南森出版社合作。但是,由于没有歇尔读她的作品,她感到与出版社之间的关系不再像以前那样紧密了。

Ms. Tan has sold an estimated five million copies of her books world-wide, according to her agent, Sandra Dijkstra.


She stayed at Putnam through the publication of 'The Bonesetter's Daughter' in 2001, and her last book, 'Saving Fish From Drowning,' in 2005, but she felt less of a connection without Ms. Sale there to read her work.


'There was somebody there, but nobody really sat down and read the book and said 'Here's what you should do,'' she said. 'They would have given me an editor, but I just couldn't make up my mind. And I just thought, I can never replace Faith.'

歇尔的职业生涯长达四十年,在出版圈内,歇尔以她亲力亲为的编辑风格和不俗的文学素养为人所知。除了谭恩美以外,她还曾担任过唐纳德·巴塞尔姆(Donald Barthelme)、库尔特·冯内古特(Kurt Vonnegut)和约瑟夫·海勒(Joseph Heller)等作家的编辑。

A spokeswoman for Putnam said that Ms. Tan was assigned an editor for 'Saving Fish From Drowning,' but 'Faith Sale was a legend in the business -- a one-of-a-kind editor, and her death was devastating for everyone.'


Ms. Sale, whose career spanned four decades, was known in publishing circles for her hands-on editing style and refinedliterary sensibilities. In addition to Ms. Tan, she also edited works by authors including Donald Barthelme, Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller.


Narrated by a ghost, and lacking a central mother-daughter narrative that has become a hallmark of her work, 'Saving Fish from Drowning' was a departure for Ms. Tan. It was met with mixed reviews.


'It's a very different book for Amy,' Ms. Dijkstra said of the 2005 novel. 'I think people feel she's been away.'

Ecco出版社的编辑、主席兼出版人丹尼尔·哈尔彭(Daniel Halpern)就是感兴趣的人士之一。Ecco出版社是哈珀柯林斯旗下的企业。哈尔彭本人是位诗人,也担任多位作家的编辑,其中包括理查德·福特(Richard Ford)和乔伊斯·卡罗尔·欧茨(Joyce Carol Oates)。哈尔彭是谭恩美前任编辑的朋友,长期以来一直非常欣赏她的作品。当他于2011年看到《惊奇山谷》的大纲时,他决定抓住这个机会。

By 2011, with the central idea of 'The Valley of Amazement' in mind, Ms. Tan said she was ready to look for a new editor. 'I told my agent . . . I don't care what the amount of money is, I want an editor. I want the best editor for myself,' she said. Ms. Dijkstra sent out a short synopsis of the idea to select publishers.

哈尔彭非常锲而不舍。除了哈珀柯林斯(隶属于新闻集团(News Corp),该集团还拥有《华尔街日报》的出版机构道琼斯公司)以外,谭恩美和她的经纪人还收到了其他出版机构伸出的橄榄枝。哈尔彭给谭恩美发了一封电子邮件,问她能否提供更多有关新书的想法,谭恩美回复了一封长达4,000字的电子邮件,向哈尔彭解释了为什么她不愿意写小说梗概。哈尔彭非常激动,他告诉谭恩美她应该把这封邮件当做随笔发表。

Daniel Halpern, editor and president and publisher of Ecco, an imprint of HarperCollins, was among the interested parties. A poet himself and editor for writers including Richard Ford and Joyce Carol Oates, Mr. Halpern had been friends with Ms. Tan's previous editor and had long admired the author's work. When 'The Valley of Amazement' proposal came his way in 2011, he jumped at the opportunity.


Mr. Halpern was persistent. In addition to HarperCollins (a unit of News Corp, which also owns Dow Jones & Co., publisher of The Wall Street Journal), Ms. Tan and her agent were facing offers from other publishers. When he sent Ms. Tan an email asking if she could offer any more thoughts on what her new book would be about, she sent back a 4,000-word response explaining why she doesn't like to write synopses of her novels. He was thrilled, and told her she should publish it as an essay.


When Mr. Halpern met Ms. Tan in person in New York, along with her husband and her Yorkie, he gave her a mocked-up jacket of the book. He called her agent repeatedly to check in on the decision. 'My husband thought I had a lover,' said Ms. Dijkstra.


'I just felt such rapport with her, and you put a lot of emotionalenergy into these auctions,' said Mr. Halpern. 'If you end up not getting the book, it's really like a punch in the stomach.'


He was 'like a guy who wants you out on a date and you say, well I don't know,' says Ms. Tan. 'I was so uncertain -- it's kind of like getting married.' Ultimately, his enthusiasm prevailed and they signed a one-book deal. They have since signed a contract for a new novel and a book of essays.


One of the first things Mr. Halpern did when he received the full draft of 'The Valley of Amazement' was make a timeline of the entire novel, with notes on each individual character. He also made comments on the story and chapter-by-chapter notes.


He suggested altering the opening, so that the story began with the characters in the courtesan house in the early 1900s, instead of later in the plot. He worked with Ms. Tan on developing the narrator, Violet, who seemed 'thin' to him in the beginning. 'I remember saying to her, 'You've got to add flesh onto this woman,'' he said, 'I mean, who is she really?'


'There are writers you don't really ever establish that kind of a relationship with. It's not helpful to them and it's not something they want. They want to be left alone, and that's fine,' said Mr. Halpern.


'[With Ms. Tan] I always had the feeling that the more I said, the better. She wanted to hear everything.'


'The Valley of Amazement' contains Ms. Tan's first explicitly written love scenes, and she says she relied on Mr. Halpern to steer her away from 'anything that sounded corny.'


Mr. Halpern didn't recall making many cuts to the love scenes. 'I think she felt it was more sexual than I did,' he said. 'They were tender scenes, but they weren't graphically or wildly sexual.'


'She would argue with certain things, like, 'Well why is this? Why did that bother you?'' he said. 'That's the fun of it -- the back and forth.'


Ms. Tan said she was willing to 'cut pages without any qualms.'

Anna Russell
