
多Terri Griffith年来,诸多机构都安装了强大的工作软件以促进雇员间的合作。但在大多数公司中这些软件都处于被弃置不用的境地。

Terri Griffith


For years, organizations have installed powerful software designed to get employees to collaborate. But at most companies, the software has just sat there, unused.


The problem: Too often, the software proved a poor fit with how people actually work.


Now, several Web-based applications are taking a different, more focused approach. They aim to make it easy for an individual team member to recruit co-workers and other potential partners to solve specific work problems, whether or not the rest of the organization comes along for the ride.


Here are three tools that can help overcome the inertia that has blocked use of other applications. Each highlights the power a single person can have in getting co-workers to work together.

任何协作工具都要面临的第一个挑战是要让人们真正使用它。由Wrike Inc.开发的Wrike是一款线上项目管理应用程序。借助人们惯常使用的工具——电子邮箱的效力,这款应用能更方便地督促公司内外的全体员工及时地共享资料,上报各自工作进展。

Help From a Friendly Interface


The first challenge with any collaboration tool is getting people to actually use it. Wrike is an online project-management suite from Wrike Inc. that makes it easy to persuade team members, even those outside the company, to share documents and stay updated on one another's progress by tapping into the power of a tool people are already comfortable using -- email.


Team members can send progress reports and receive updates via their regular work email, but all the information is automatically collected in a powerful online project site. The project leader, and other members, can monitor the status of the project from the site, assign and accept tasks, share documents, and add notes to other members. In other words, they can take full advantage of the tool's collaborative possibilities.


Whose Line Is It?

而由Smartsheet.com Inc.开发的在线项目管理应用Smartsheet,则让员工就文档部分内容进行合作成为可能。借助这项应用,团队成员可以生成一个Smartsheet文档,既可以让他人看到文档的全部内容,又可以只是特定的几行字(或附有相关资料和讨论纪录)。可见范围内的任何改动都会传入主文档中,因而省去了先前用邮箱发送剪切、粘贴好的部分段落再修改原稿件的繁琐步骤。

While broad sharing has value, sometimes a co-worker needs to be brought in to change, add or verify some part of a document while the rest of the document has to remain confidential. Normally in that case, cutting and pasting is the only option.


Smartsheet, from Smartsheet.com Inc., is an online project-management app based on the common spreadsheet that makes it possible to collaborate on parts of the document. With the application, a team member can create a Smartsheet and then invite others to share the entire sheet or just the specific rows (with any related files or discussions) that the co-worker needs to work on. Any updates to those cells percolate through the entire sheet, so that it isn't necessary to cut and paste sections into emails and then update the master sheet with responses.

即便是最强大的协作工具也不能保证团队成员能按照要求完成指定工作。而据调查,4Spires Inc.开发的CommitKeeper是确保员工按要求完成任务的最佳解决方案。这个软件的目的就是使工作伙伴就谁在多长时间内完成一项任务进行直接有效的沟通。

Keeping One's Commitments


Even the most powerful collaboration tool can't ensure that team members follow through on their assignments. CommitKeeper by 4Spires Inc. is based on research into the best ways to ensure people pledge to meet their commitments. The tool is designed to ensure that co-workers explicitly negotiate over who will do what by when.


A sales director, for example, may use CommitKeeper to send a request to an analyst for a set of sales projections by Friday at 5 p.m. The analyst receives an email with a big 'respond' button that takes him or her to the CommitKeeper site. From there, the analyst accepts, declines or counteroffers -- perhaps suggesting Monday at 10 a.m.

(Griffith博士是美国加州 克拉拉大学(Santa Clara University)利维商学院(Leavey School of Business)的教授。)

By making the terms explicit and allowing members to negotiate alternatives, the tool makes it more likely that they will follow through on assignments as promised.

Dr. Griffith is a professor at Santa Clara University's Leavey School of Business in Santa Clara, Calif.