
多年以来,朱莉·布林顿(Julie Brinton)天天打交道的都是宝宝鸭嘴杯和擦破皮的膝盖,此外还有在吃饭、洗澡及睡觉时间为了逮住三个小孩而上演的无穷无尽的敦促追赶。每天晚上,当朱莉爬上床时,她的脑子里只有一件事:歇一个小时或看会儿电视。但在有些夜晚,她的丈夫罗伯(Rob)却会凑过来揉她的双肩、抚摸她的后背。这时,朱莉就会想:"真的三周都没性生活了吗?我觉得我们可能该做爱了。"

For years, Julie Brinton's days have been filled with sippy cups and skinned knees, and the endless push of getting three young children through dinner time, bath time, bedtime. By the time she crawls into bed each night, she has one thing on her mind: zoning out to an hour or so of TV.


But some nights, her husband, Rob, reaches over to rub her shoulders and offer her a back rub. And then Ms. Brinton thinks: 'Has it really been three weeks? I guess we should probably have sex.'


'I will do it for him,' says Ms. Brinton, 34, who lives in Mesa, Ariz.


Mr. Brinton, also 34, appreciates his wife's gesture. 'But afterward,' he says, 'I always feel guilty, that I've been selfish.'


Ah, marital sex.

但多伦多大学(University of Toronto)新近的研究却表明,伴侣们为什么要做爱的首要原因也会极大地影响婚姻满意度。而且,一个人今晚的做爱动机可能会影响接下来几个月中他/她的感情健康程度。

Therapists have long known that couples who have more, and better, sex are happier and more stable.

多年以来,科学家认为人们之所以做爱是因为下面几个简单的原因:为了繁衍后代,享受生理上的快感或是意欲缓解性紧张。而在2007年得克萨斯州大学(University of Texas)的一项研究中,接受调查者提出了237个做爱动机。这些理由五花八门,从世俗层面(缓解压力)到宗教层面(为了更靠近上帝)、从利他主义(为了让对方舒服)到恶意报复(为了惩罚报复偷腥的伴侣而出轨)。

But new research from the University of Toronto shows that the reasons why partners have sex in the first place also significantly affect marital satisfaction. And a person's motive for making love tonight may make a difference to the health of his or her relationship months from now.

多伦多大学研究人员进行的两项研究将人们最常见的做爱理由——以及与长期恋情最相关的理由——分成了两大类动机:靠近与规避。靠近动机追寻的是一个积极的结果。("我希望增进与配偶之间的亲密度"或者"我想感觉更贴近我的伴侣。")规避动机旨在逃避一个消极的后果。("我想避免发生冲突"或是"我不希望感到内疚。")这两项研究的论文本月发表在了《个性与社会心理学通报》(Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin)期刊上。

For many years, scientists believed that humans had sex for a few simple reasons: to reproduce, experience physical pleasure or relievesexual tension. Then a 2007 study from the University of Texas identified 237 expressed motives for sex. The reasons ranged from the mundane (stress reduction) to the spiritual (to get closer to God) and from the altruistic (to make the other person feel good) to the spiteful (to retaliate against a partner who cheated by cheating).


Now, two studies by University of Toronto researchers published this month in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, have divided the most common reasons why people have sex -- and the ones most relevant to long-term relationships -- into two broad categories of motivation: approach and avoidance. Approach motives pursue a positive outcome. ('I want to increase intimacy with my spouse' or 'I want to feel closer to my partner.') Avoidance motives aim to evade a negative outcome. ('I want to avoid conflict' or 'I don't want to feel guilty.')

研究人员专门分析了伴侣关注型的目标。多伦多大学的博士后、该研究的首席研究员埃米·缪斯(Amy Muise)说:"这些目标对一段感情的结局影响最为深远。"

Each category is also divided into subcategories: self-focused or partner-focused.


The researchers paid particular attention to partner-focused goals. 'They have the greatest impact on the outcomes of a relationship,' says Amy Muise, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto and lead researcher on the study.


Both studies were what researchers call 'daily diary' studies. In the first, 108 heterosexual dating couples completed a survey every day for two weeks. On days that they had sex, the partners each answered 26 questions about their motives, rating them from 1 to 7. Examples: 'To prevent my partner from becoming upset' or 'To feel better about myself.' They also rated their relationship satisfaction, sexualsatisfaction and desire each day.


The results: On days when a person's motivation to have sex is more positively oriented, he or she felt more satisfied -- both in the relationship and sexually -- and had a higher level of desire. Conversely, on days when someone was motivated to have sex by more negative goals, he or she felt less satisfied and less desire.


Even more interesting, the researchers say: A person's sexual motivation affected his or her partner's gratification. When someone had sex for positive reasons, the partner felt more desire and relationship satisfaction. When someone had sex for negative reasons, the partner felt less satisfied in the relationship and less sexually satisfied.


The researchers found no difference when it came to gender. 'Men do have higher desire in general, but the motives for sex and the way they make people feel aren't different for men and women,' says Dr. Muise.


Also, regardless of how often a couple had sex, the results of the research were the same.


'One thing we wanted to know is whether it really matters to your partner why you want to have sex, as long as they are getting what they want,' says Dr. Muise. The answer, she says, is yes. 'If I am having sex more for approach goals, it increases my desire and satisfaction, so my partner probably senses that and it contributes to their outcome. Our satisfaction carries over to them.'


The second study followed 44 married or cohabitating couples for three weeks -- and then followed up four months later. The results were very similar to the first study.


And these effects held steady over time. People who had sex mostly for positive reasons over the course of the diary reported higher sexualsatisfaction four months later, while people who had sex mostly for negative reasons had lower sexualsatisfaction and desire. (Ditto, in both cases, for their partners.)


So is it better to have sex for negative, or avoidance, reasons than not at all? The answer is complicated. Research shows that on days when we have sex we feel more satisfied in our relationship than on days when we don't. And yet when people have sex more often for negative motives, the bad outcomes build up. Dr. Muise's conclusion: 'Unless the sex is highly avoidance motivated, it might be OK in the moment,' she says. 'But you definitely get more benefits from approach motivation.'


How can you become more positively motivated when it comes to sex? If you're feeling like you'd just rather go to sleep, try tuning into the emotionalconnection between you and your partner, says Julie Hanks, a clinical social worker in Salt Lake City. 'Lead with what you want instead of what you don't want to happen,' she says.


About a year ago, Ms. Brinton decided she and her husband needed to work on their sex life. 'I thought, 'I want to enjoy sex. I want to feel connected to my husband. I want to reclaim my sexuality.''


So she started doing things to make herself feel sexy: She bought new lingerie and started reading erotic romance novels.


Ms. Brinton also asked her husband to go to a sex therapist with her.

怎样才能使自己做爱的动机变得更积极呢?盐湖城(Salt Lake City)的临床社会工作者朱莉·汉克斯(Julie Hanks)说,如果你觉得你宁可选择呼呼大睡,那就试着调整自己、使自身融进与伴侣间的情感纽带中去。她说:"让你内心想要的东西去引导你,别让那些你不希望发生的事情主宰牵绊你。"

Her husband says he was thrilled. He figured there would be a lot of sex as homework. But, at least initially, their homework was to focus on real communication -- not just small talk -- about issues unrelated to sex. 'I came to realize that you can't have a great, intimate sex life until you have learned to connect outside of the bedroom,' says Mr. Brinton, who owns a custom-framing business.


Eventually, their conversations led to talk of sex -- and then more sex. Once 'we knew how to talk about other things, we felt comfortable with the difficult questions about what the other person likes in bed,' says Mr. Brinton.


They say they are both careful to focus on feeling good. 'Every reason we have sex now is a positive for me,' says Ms. Brinton.


Elizabeth Bernstein