
服务器暂存文件(cookie)的末日可能就要来了。所谓的暂存文件是指营销人员用来在网络浏览器追踪人们的在线活动的小段代码,为定向广告投放服务,而且会收集有价值的用户信息。过去一个月间,微软(Microsoft Corp.)、谷歌(Google Inc.)和Facebook Inc.都曾表示,正在开发各自的系统,对这一"数据河流"进行控制,使其绕过那1,000多家在网站放置暂存文件的软件公司。

The end could be near for cookies, the tiny pieces of code that marketers deploy on Web browsers to track people's online movements, serve targeted advertising and amass valuable user profiles.


In the past month, Microsoft Corp. , Google Inc. and Facebook Inc. have said they are developing systems to plug into and control this river of data in ways that bypass the more than a thousand software companies that place cookies on websites.

帮助企业追踪其网站暂存文件的公司Evidon Inc.的首席执行长梅耶(Scott Meyer)说,一场混战正在酝酿之中。谁掌握了获取这些数据的钥匙,谁就能够借此收取租金,并抢占未来绝佳先机。

The moves could radically shift the balance of power in the $120 billion global digital advertising industry-and have ad technology companies scrambling to figure out their next play.


'There is a Battle Royal brewing,' says Scott Meyer, chief executive of Evidon Inc., a company that helps businesses keep track of the cookies on their websites. 'Whoever controls access to all that data can charge rent for it-and has a tremendousadvantage going forward.'

移动设备飞速的更新换代促成了这一趋势。暂存文件使广告商能够影响数字用户,但由于其在智能手机和平板电脑中无法有效运行,这一路径在这些设备上就被迫中断了。如今广告商正急于了解移动设备用户的使用习惯,例如职场中哪些人常在午休时间浏览eBay网,或人们玩愤怒的小鸟(Angry Birds)时哪一刻最能注意到广告信息。

The Silicon Valley trio, which produce browsers, email services and operating systems used by billions across many devices, are positioned to potentially learn far more about people's activities than cookies ever could. Today, a diverse ecosystem of companies places cookies on websites to track people through browsers; now the giants see an opportunity to get into tracking themselves.

周三,微软在一篇博客帖子中不动声色地宣布,对于搭载Windows 8和8.1操作系统的平板电脑和个人电脑用户,公司将授权广告营销人员追踪他们的使用信息并向他们发送广告。通过给每一个用户一个"独一无二"的编码,公司可以监控用户在全部应用软件中的活动(这一系统不会阻断微软网页浏览器(Microsoft's Internet Exoplorer)用户接受网站发来的暂存文件。)业内人士认为,这一编码系统会自然延伸到搭载微软操作系统的智能手机和游戏机Xbox上,但微软没有对这一说法做出回应。

The swift adoption of mobile gadgets is driving the changing landscape. Cookies let advertisers reach digital audiences, but the trail stops at smartphones and tablets, because cookie technology doesn't work well on them. Advertisers are hungry for consumerbehavior on mobile devices, such as which workers are more likely to browse eBay during their lunch breaks, or the precise moment during a game of Angry Birds when a person would be most susceptible to an ad.

通过编码系统,微软将能够直接了解到消费者的使用习惯,从而帮助经营其广告经销业务,或将用户群体的统计数据信息出售,例如40岁以下的电子游戏爱好者中,哪些也是体育类应用软件的用户。今年早前,苹果公司(Apple Inc.)也开始通过在智能手机及平板电脑上设定唯一的ID,使广告商能够跟踪、定位其目标客户群。

On Wednesday, Microsoft quietly announced in a blog post that the company will give marketers the ability to track and advertise to people who use apps on its Windows 8 and 8.1 operating system on tablets and PCs. The company will do this by assigning each user a number-a unique identifier-that monitors them across all of their apps. (The system doesn't block cookies in Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser.) Industry players think Microsoft-powered smartphones and Xbox game consoles will be a natural extension of the system, but Microsoft kept mum on the question.


Microsoft could then use its access to consumers to brokeradvertising to people or sell data about users as part of demographic categories, such as avid game players under 40 who also check sports apps. Earlier this year, Apple Inc. AAPL +0.74% also began offering advertisers the ability to trail and target users through a unique ID on smartphones and tablets.


Google's plans, which the company disclosed in only the broadest of terms last month, would also make use of a unique ID. But the tracking could be far-reaching, say industry experts. Google's system could tie together data about users across all the company's products-Gmail, the Chrome browser and Android phones. In a statement about its efforts, the company said 'technological enhancements' like an identifier could improve security 'while ensuring the Web remains economically viable.'


Microsoft and Google declined further comment.

该社交网站的产品营销经理夏皮罗(Scott Shapiro)说,无论你的客户在哪里,哪怕他们不在线上,不上你的网站,不用你的手机应用,通过Facebook你照样可以找到他们。

Facebook's new ad service, launched earlier this month, gets around the traditional third-party advertising cookies by doing the tracking on its own. When a person visits a website selling shoes on a work PC, a piece of Facebook code placed on that site-Facebook's own cookie-recognizes that the person has logged into Facebook using that browser before. The shoe seller can then send the person an ad for the shoe on Facebook's mobile app-even if that person never registered with the shoe seller.


'Wherever your audiences are, if they are offline in the real world, on your website, or on your mobile app, you can reach them on Facebook,' says Scott Shapiro, a product marketing manager at the social network.


For Madison Avenue, a move away from the cookie represents an enticing chance to dump a technology with serious limitations. Designed in the 1990s, it was supposed to be a mechanism to help e-commerce sites to keep track of what was in shopping carts between visits.

Elizabeth Dwoskin