
这个秋季,2013级新生纷纷抵达校园开始自己的宿舍生活,当然他们还得带上基本的生活用品,比如洗浴用品架、洗衣袋和干 整洁的XL号床单等。若要使拥挤公共空间中的生活更富乐趣,有些小装备可以提供帮助。针对大学生的科技产品配件常常都是些华而不实的东西(想想波点图案的笔记本电脑底垫和可变色的iPod底座音箱)。它们往往都是廉价产品,几乎就是一次性的,仿佛它们的制造商已经认定了这些产品可能在寒假之前就会被红牛饮料淋坏的事实。不过,你还有其他的选择。

The class of 2017 will arrive on campus this fall equipped with the basics for dormitory life: shower caddy, laundry bag, crisp twin XL sheets. But to make living in a cramped, shared space more fun, a few gadgets can help.

如果你正在寻觅送给大学生的礼物,下文就介绍了七款值得投资的产品供你考虑。它们的总价达1,054美元(约合人民币6,461元),虽然这笔钱大概相当于密歇根大学(University of Michigan)所建议的本科生一学年的书本及学习用品费用,但是四年分摊下来,每年的花费也就比较适中了。另外,这些产品应当还能顺利用到毕业之后。例如,那台浓缩咖啡机将来就能在刚搬入公寓时派上用场;那些平板电脑配件可与未来的新一代设备兼容;耳机则是在图书馆或办公室中学习工作的理想之物。此外,向孩子们灌输欣赏实用、具有使用乐趣并经久耐用的产品的观念越早越好。

Tech accessories aimed at the college set are usually a garish lot (think: polka-dot laptop cushions and color-changing iPod speaker docks). They also tend to be cheaply made, almost disposable, as if their manufacturers are resigned to the fact that these products will likely be bathed in Red Bull before winter break. But there are alternatives.


If you're looking for a gift for an undergrad, here are seven investment-worthy options to consider. Their total cost comes to $1,054. Although that's roughly the amount the University of Michigan recommends undergrads budget for books and supplies for a school year, amortize it over four years and the outlay is relatively modest. These devices should serve well past graduation, as well. That espresso machine will come in handy in a starter apartment. Those tablet accessories will be compatible with future generations of devices. And the earbuds are ideal for working in a library or in an office. Besides, it's never too early to instill an appreciation for gear that's functional, a pleasure to use and built to last.


Light for Any Task


A dorm room is a place for both working and decompressing. The Satechi Smart LED Desk Lamp adapts to both scenarios. It casts three different types of white light: an invigorating, daylight-like beam for pulling all-nighters; a cool white for reading; and a warm glow, similar to an incandescent bulb, for relaxing. Unlike lesser LED lamps, whose light can make the illustrations in an art history textbook look sickly, with this model, colors pop. Extra credit: The base has a USB charging port in the back for powering up a smartphone. $100, satechi.net

平板电脑的用途极其广泛,但要把它用于学习用途的话,你还需要一个外接键盘。不要购买大小只适合某一款平板的键盘,它们的尺寸小,你很难在上面打字,全尺寸的罗技(Logitech) K760太阳能无线键盘(售价80美元,约合人民币490元,logitech.com有售)是一个更好的选择。这款重17.6盎司(约合500克)的蓝牙键盘与苹果(Apple)的平板兼容,以太阳能为动力,所以你不必担心充电问题,而且它还可在三部设备──比如iPad、智能手机和笔记本电脑──之间轻松切换。(如果你使用的是Android系统的设备,可选择罗技K810键盘。)若想获得更舒适的观看效果,可再配备Bluelounge Nest(15美元,约合人民币92元,在bluelounge.com有售),该款支架适合任一尺寸的平板,而且也足够轻盈,方便收入包中。你可以把平板放在支架略微倾斜的顶部,或者使用侧滑的托板将平板的屏幕支撑得更直。

A More Studious Tablet


Tablets are wonderfully versatile, but for academic use, you'll want an external keyboard. Avoid models that are form-fitted to a specific tablet; their cramped dimensions make them harder to type on. The full-size Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K760 ($80, logitech.com) is a better option. This 17.6-ounce, Apple-friendly, Bluetooth model is solar powered, so you don't have to worry about recharging, and it switches easily among up to three devices, such as an iPad, a smartphone and a laptop. (If you're using Android, go with the Logitech K810.) For more comfortable viewing, couple it with the Bluelounge Nest ($15, bluelounge.com), a stand that works with any size tablet and is light enough to toss in a bag. You can lay a device on the Nest's slightly slanted top, or use the slide-out tray to prop up a screen in a more upright position.

花这么多钱为一个年轻人买副耳机似乎显得荒唐,但是与普通耳机相比,Klipsch X4i耳机在音效和做工(它的外壳为经久耐用的压铸锌材料)方面要好上一大截。该款耳机的低音效果或许不如其他耳机那么震撼,但是随着考试临近和听耳机的时长远远超过两小时的时限,勤奋好学者会更喜欢频率响应更均衡的耳机。X4i耳机的耳塞套(包含四种尺寸)为硅胶材质,可实现隔绝26分贝噪音的绝佳效果,几乎可与海绵耳塞相媲美。它们的形状为椭圆形,更容易贴合耳廓,佩戴舒适,对于在嘈杂的咖啡馆隔音或在图书馆中防止你的Superchunk歌曲打扰他人来说是必备之品。该款耳机售价149美元(约合人民币913元),在klipsch.com有售。

Earbuds to Tune Out Noisy Buds


Spending this much money on a pair of headphones for a young adult may seem ludicrous, but compared with stock earbuds, the Klipsch X4i are a huge step up in sonics and build quality (the enclosures are a durable die-cast zinc). This model's bass might not be as thumpy as others', but as exams approach and listening sessions stretch well past the two-hour mark, the studious will appreciate a more balanced frequency response. The X4i's silicone ear tips (four sizes are included) deliver an impressive 26 dB of noise isolation -- almost on par with foam earplugs. Their oval shape makes it easier to get a snug fit, which is essential for blocking sound in a busy coffee shop and keeping your own strains of Superchunk from disturbing others in the library. $149, klipsch.com

千万不要低估大学生活方式能对便携式音箱造成的破坏,UE BOOM则是"武装"得最好的音箱之一。这款音箱音效极棒,大小约相当于一个水瓶,禁得起逾五英尺(约合1.5米)高度的跌落,它的表面喷涂了等离子涂层,可防污防水,因此很有可能撑得住大学四年。室友决定用刚刚抓过布法罗炸鸡翅的手来捣弄音箱的调节按钮?没问题。它可以在水龙头下清洗(也可带上它去洗澡)。另外,BOOM具有环绕声效果,所以基本上把它放在最大宿舍中的任何一个角落,它的声音也能充满整个房间。它最大的优点是,一部Android或iOS设备可同时配备两部BOOM音箱,这适合一些较少见的场合,比如派对的音乐需要音量提高一倍之时。该款音箱售价200美元(约合人民币1,226元),在ultimateears.com有售。

Spill-Proof Sound


Don't underestimate the havoc a college lifestyle can wreak on a portable speaker. The UE BOOM is one of the best armored. This great-sounding speaker, about the size of a water bottle, can withstand drops from over 5 feet and is treated with a plasma coating that makes it stain- and water-resistant and therefore most likely to survive a four-year tour of duty. Roommate decides to fiddle with the controls right after diving into a bucket of Buffalo wings? No problem. The speaker can be rinsed under a faucet (or toted along to the shower). And since the BOOM disperses sound in a full circle, it can fill even the largest dorm room while perched pretty much anywhere. Best of all, an Android or iOS device can pair with two BOOMs at once -- for those rare occasions when the party soundtrack requires twice the volume. $200, ultimateears.com

普通大学生真的会用以电池供电的混合型吸尘拖把来打扫宿舍的地板吗?呃...Dyson Hard至少会给你带来希望。孩子们会取笑它的名字,但不可否认的是,使用这样一种动力生猛的工具有很多乐趣。Dyson Hard有一个杀手?──它可以同时吸尘和拖地,它会用一次性的湿布擦洗尘垢,同时一台转速达每分钟104,000次的数字马达则在前方和后方吸走垃圾。如果电池充满电,它可以连续清扫15分钟时间,考虑到大多数大学生打扫卫生的习惯,这是一个最理想的状态。该款吸尘拖把售价330美元(约合人民币2,023元),在dyson.com有售。

For Post-Party Cleanup


Will typical college students actually ever use a battery-powered hybrid vacuum-mop to clean their dorm-room floors? Well, the Dyson Hard at least gives you hope. Kids will snicker at its name, but there's no denying that wielding a tool with this much raw power is a lot of fun. The Dyson Hard's killer feature: It vacuums and mops in a single pass, using a disposable wet cloth to scrub away grime while a 104,000-rpm digital motor sucks up debris at the front and rear of its cleaning head. Fully charged, the machine delivers 15 minutes of cleaning time -- which, given most college students' cleaning habits, would be a best-case scenario. $330, dyson.com

奈斯派索U (Nespresso U)是一款全自动咖啡机,操作起来干 便捷,它可25秒快速暖机、做好冲泡咖啡的准备。它使用的是售价为每粒65美分至75美分(约合人民币4-4.6元)的真空包装咖啡胶囊,可冲泡出一份口感极佳的浓缩咖啡或更多份量的大杯(最大份量为3.7盎司,约合110毫升;如果你想喝更像咖啡的美式咖啡,只需添加热水即可。)在结束操作后,咖啡机的喷嘴会自动缩回,不会滴漏咖啡。用过的胶囊会被整洁地喷射进一个内部储存格中,这些用完的胶囊可通过邮寄方式或在Sur La Table及奈斯派索的门店被回收。该款咖啡机体型小巧,只有4.5英寸(约合11厘米)宽、不到10英寸(约合25厘米)高。如果你需要把它存放在浅架子上,它的水箱可转到侧旁。该款咖啡机售价180美元(约合人民币1,103元),在nespresso.com有售。

Hey Roomie, Want an Espresso?