
一位分析师说,在苹果公司(Apple Inc., AAPL)和三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co., 005930.SE)准备于下月推出新一代手机之际,苹果可能难以维持高端市场中那些深谙科技的用户对该品牌的忠诚度。《华尔街日报》(the Wall Street Journal)周一报道,苹果已告知供应商为两款分别针对高端和低端市场的新iPhone手机发货做准备。三星和索尼(Sony)等竞争对手正试图赶在苹果之前让其新款手机上市销售。当这些新款手机相继上市,消费者对苹果的忠诚度将再度面临考验。

As Apple Inc. and rival Samsung Electronics Co. prepare to launch a new generation of handsets next month, it may be difficult for Apple to maintain the loyalty that it commands among tech-savvy users at the high-end of the market, according to one analyst.

Consumer Intelligence Research Partners LLC的分析师莱文(Michael Levin)对《CIO杂志》(CIO Journal)说,苹果将难以维持用户对它的忠诚度,市面上的好产品太多了,而且三星一直在试图抢去一些苹果的风头。

As the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, Apple has told its suppliers to get ready to ship both a new high-end and lower-market version of the iPhone. And rivals Samsung and Sony are racing to get new devices to market ahead of Apple. As those new devices hit the market, the strength of consumerattachment to Apple will be tested once again.

截止目前,苹果一直是消费者忠诚度竞赛的赢家。据Consumer Intelligence上周公布的一项调查显示,即便谷歌(Google Inc.)的安卓(Android)系统在智能手机市场的领先程度扩大,每五个苹果iPhone用户中就有一位曾是安卓系统的用户。而安卓手机销量最大品牌三星挖走的苹果iOS系统用户仅占其用户总数的7%。

'It will be hard for Apple to maintain [its] level of loyalty. There are just too many good products out there. And you have Samsung trying to steal some of Apple's thunder,' Michael Levin, an analyst with Consumer Intelligence Research Partners LLC told CIO Journal.

上述研究显示出即便是在谷歌的操作系统保持领先地位的情况下,iPhone 是如何获得更高的忠诚度的。三星用户更有可能是首次进入智能手机市场的人,37%的三星用户是以该品牌智能手机更换掉基本款手机的,苹果的比例是26%。

So far, Apple has won the contest for consumer loyalty. Even as Google Inc.'s Android widens its lead in the smartphone market, Apple's iPhone poaches one in five of its customers from users of the rival operating system, according to a survey, released last week by Consumer Intelligence. Samsung, the top seller of Android handsets, only received 7% of its customers from Apple's iOS.


The research shows how the iPhone has commanded more loyalty at the top of the market, even as Google's operating system continues to outpace the competition overall. Samsung customers were more likely to be entering the smartphone market for the first time, with 37% switching from a basic device, compared to 26% of Apple customers.


Android marketshare reached 79.3% last quarter, up from 69.1% a year earlier, IDC reported. Meanwhile global market share of Apple's iOS dropped to 13.2% from 16.6%, according to IDC.


It could be tough for Apple to maintain that edge as competition from Samsung continues to intensify. 'Apple is not used to dealing with a competitor like this. Users who are already price sensitive are getting a whole lot more choices,' Mr. Levin says.

Gartner分析师米拉内西(Carolina Milanesi)说,三星更加容易吸引新智能手机用户,因为该公司有更广的价格选择范围。但这些用户不会对三星有太大的忠诚度。她说,安卓系统的用户忠诚度就相对较低,许多安卓系统用户都是智能手机的首次使用者,他们寻找价格相对便宜的iPhone替代品。但她说,新的苹果用户是更为成熟的用户,他们是受到应用优势和产品生态系统的吸引,对该品牌的忠诚度更高。苹果用户在该品牌手机上投入的时间更多。

But one analyst thinks that the Apple customers probably will remain more strongly attached to the brand.

Joel Schectman