
中国商船永盛(Yong Sheng)轮是一条不起眼的船,但即将创造历史。集装箱运输船永盛轮将首次尝试经由北极航道从中国到达欧洲,较传统的通过苏伊士运河(Suez Canal)的南方航道要减少2周的航程。永盛轮隶属中国国有企业中远集团(Cosco Group),载重量为19,000吨,该船于8月8日驶离大连港,将穿过白令海峡(Bering Strait),预计在9月11日抵达目的港荷兰鹿特丹(Rotterdam)。此次航程约35天,而经由苏伊士运河和地中海(Mediterranean Sea)的传统航程平均为48天。

China's Yong Sheng is an unremarkable ship that is about to make history. It is the first container-transporting vessel to sail to Europe from China through the arctic rather than taking the usual southerly route through the Suez Canal, shaving two weeks off the regular travel time in the process.

中国官方媒体把这条近3,400英里的北极航道(Northern Sea Route)称为中国至欧洲的最经济航线。中远集团曾表示,大量亚洲商品可以通过北极航道运送。

The 19,000-ton Yong Sheng, operated by China's state-controlled Cosco Group, left the port of Dalian Aug. 8 and is scheduled to reach Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, via the Bering Strait Sept. 11. The travel time of about 35 days compares with the average of 48 days it would normally take to journey through the Suez Canal and Mediterranean Sea.

北极航道信息办公室(NSR Information Office)的数据显示,上海到鹿特丹的航线,通过北极航道的距离约8,100海里,比通过苏伊士运河的距离短2,400海里左右。

Chinese state media have described the approximately 3,400-mile Northern Sea Route, or NSR, as the 'most economical solution' for China-Europe shipping. Cosco has said that Asian goods could be transported through the northern passage in significant volumes.


The NSR, at roughly 8,100 nautical miles, is about 2,400 nautical miles shorter than the Suez Canal for ships traveling the benchmark Shanghai-to-Rotterdam journey, according to the NSR Information Office.


'The arctic route can cut 12 to 15 days from traditional routes, so the maritime industry calls it the Golden Waterway,' Cosco said when the Yong Sheng's voyage was announced earlier this year.

俄罗斯管理的北极航道管理局(NSR Administration)今年夏天已经签发了393份使用西伯利亚(Siberia)上方水域的许可证,去年为46份,2010年只有4份。通航窗口通常在7月份开启,在11月底海水覆冰无法航行时关闭。

The Yong Sheng's travel comes as shipping volumes on the arctic route are rising fast amid warmer weather, which has kept the passage relatively free of ice for longer than in recent decades.

北极航道管理局负责人Sergey Balmasov称,最佳航行月份是9月和10月,此时整条航道中几乎没有冰。

The Russian-run NSR Administration has so far issued 393 permits this summer to use the waters above Siberia, compared with 46 last year and a mere four in 2010. The travel window usually opens in July and closes in late November when the ice concentration becomes prohibitive for sailing.


'Our best months are September and October, where there is barely any ice across the whole route,' said Sergey Balmasov, head of the NSR Information Office.


'We expect a substantial increase in permit applications if temperatures continue to rise in coming years,' he added. 'But climate change could work both ways, so if temperatures come down the route will become impenetrable without ice-breaking escort ships.'

根据美国国家冰雪数据中心(National Snow and Ice Data Center),去年北极冰覆盖面积为860,000平方英里,较1979年的180万平方英里减少了53%。

Mr. Balmasov said even ships without ice-breaking capabilities received permits as the weather became warmer. 'This cuts the cost of operators as the seaway is free of ice and the voyage time significantly lower,' he said.

该中心的主管Mark Serreze称,这一变化速度令科学界感到震惊。该中心位于科罗拉多州,资金来自美国国家航空及太空总署(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)、美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)和美国国家海洋与大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)等组织的拨款。

Arctic ice covered 860,000 square miles last year, off 53% from 1.8 million square miles in 1979, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center of the U.S.


The rate of change has astounded the scientific community, said Mark Serreze, director of the Colorado-based center, which is funded through grants from groups including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Science Foundation and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


'It's warming very quickly in the arctic and I would not be surprised if we see summers with no ice at all over the next 20 years. That's why shipping companies are so excited over the prospects of the route,' Mr. Serreze said.


'Over the past 50 years temperatures in the arctic have gone up by around four degrees Celsius, which is a dramatic increase,' he added. 'This is much higher than the global average of around one degree.' A change of four degrees Celsius is equivalent to a change of 7.2 degrees in Fahrenheit.

中国毫不掩饰自己对这一新北极航线的兴趣。5月份,中国获得了北极理事会(Arctic Council)的"正式观察员"身份;该理事会由北极附近的8个国家组成。

The benchmark Asia-to-Europe shipping route accounts for 15% of total trade. Ships from China sail across the Bering Strait, through the East Siberian Sea and Vilkitsky Strait and then on to European ports.


China has made no secret of its interest in the new arctic passage. In May Beijing obtained 'permanent observer' status at the Arctic Council, which consists of eight countries with territory in the region.


Shipowners recognize the potential of the route, but say it will take years to determine whether it will become commercially viable.

哥本哈根SeaIntel Maritime Analysis的首席执行长Lars Jensen称,船东们越来越多地向大型船投资,以降低运输成本,但是这些大型船不适合穿行北极。与使用更高能耗引擎的老式小型船相比,这些船的每集装箱平均燃油消耗量要节省25%。Jensen说,即便北极航线更短,体型小得多的船只的单位能耗可能也完全没有吸引力。

'We are looking into it but there are still many unknowns,' said a Greek shipowner whose vessels are chartered by a number of Chinese companies that trade with Europe. 'The travel window is short and if ice forms unexpectedly your client will be left waiting and your cost will skyrocket to find an icebreaker. But if climate change continues to raise temperatures, the route will certainly become very busy.'

船运行业的数据提供商Lloyd's List估计,2021年大约将有1,500万吨货物取道北极航线。与苏伊士运河的吞吐量相比,这仍只是九牛一毛。去年有逾17,000艘船、装载了逾9亿吨的货物通过了苏伊士运河。

Lars Jensen, chief executive of Copenhagen-based SeaIntel Maritime Analysis, says owners are increasingly investing in bigger ships to cut transport costs but these larger vessels aren't suited to sail in the arctic. Those ships burn on average 25% less fuel per container than older and smaller vessels using less-efficient engines. 'Even though an arctic route is shorter, the fuel consumption per container on a much smaller vessel might simply not be attractive,' he said.