
The internet makes us all better people, according to Jonathan Zittrain, a Harvard law professor and investigator for the OpenNet initiative.

The people who created the internet didn't do it for money, he told the TEDGlobal conference in Oxford, but because they were fascinated by it. This enthusiasm, and not a desire to make huge amounts of money, is behind many of the most successful websites.

Sites such as Wikipedia, he argued, depend on web citizens who want to protect the worth of the website and act as moral buffers.

"Wikipedia is always 45 minutes from total destruction," he said, "besieged by thousands of spambots wanting to fill entries with adverts of Rolex watches."

Zittrain went on to use the example the Star Wars Kid - a viral YouTube video of a boy pretending to fight with a light sabre. It went up without the boy's knowledge. Wikipedia created an entry and hosted a debate about whether to include his real name. The press already had, but the Wikipedia team opted not to.

"This story makes it possible for us to see that all of the data online reflects our experiences and emotions, and we can have an ethical moment when we decide how we want to treat it," he said.

Other speakers contributed more tales of online morality. Imogen Heap said that when an unscrupulous journalist tried to sell a promo single of hers before its release date, she mobilised her Twitter fans. They pushed the auction up to £10 million, forcing eBay to cancel it.




他说:"Wikipedia 距离彻底毁灭总是只有45 分钟","它被想要填满劳力士手表广告的数以千计的兜售信息平台所包围。"

特瑞继续使用星际大战小孩的例子--一段过滤过病毒的YouTube视频,一个假装用闪亮的马刀战斗的男孩,没有显示关于男孩的信息。Wikipedia创建了一个条目(发起话题),并发起了一场关于是否应该公开他真实名字的辩论。新闻媒体已经公开了那个男孩的名字, 但Wikipedia选择了不公开。

他说:"这个故事使我们在线查看所有反映我们经历和情感的数据成为可能,当我们决定如何应对的时候,我们能有一个从伦理上考虑的时刻。 "

其他人发表了更多关于网络道德的看法。伊莫金.黑普说,当一个不道德的新闻记者想在自己的书出版发行之前卖掉一个单行版,她会动员她狂热的支持者,他们会把拍卖价哄抬到1000万英镑,迫使 eBay 取消它。
  • investigator [in´vestigeitə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.调查;审查者 四级词汇
  • wanting [´wɔntiŋ, wɑ:n-] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.短缺的;不足的 六级词汇
  • morality [mə´ræliti] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.道德;教训;伦理学 四级词汇
  • twitter [´twitə] 移动到这儿单词发声 vi.(鸟)吱吱叫 n.鸟鸣 六级词汇
  • auction [´ɔ:kʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.&vt.拍卖 四级词汇