
1. make/cast sheep's eyes 送秋波

  to look at someone in a way that shows that you love them or are attracted to them.

  eg: Ken's been making sheep'seyes at his ex-girlfriend all the night. 肯整晚上都在含情脉脉地注视着他的前女友

  绵羊性格温顺,且一般斜视。16世纪幽默诗人约翰•斯克顿把绵羊的目光:(sheep'seyes)喻指"温柔多情的目光"。cast sheep'seyes即指"送秋波""送媚眼""投以含情脉脉的眼神"

  2. follow like sheep 盲从

  绵羊性情温顺,胆小,因此sheep亦指"易受人摆布的人"。像绵羊一般(like sheep),即指"无独创精神""无独立性"。

  Some people will follow their lead-ers like sheep and never reason why they do so. 有些人总是盲目地听从领导,从不问为什么。

  3. may/might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb 一不做,二不休

  根据英国旧法律,凡是偷羊者一律处以绞刑。偷大羊要处死,偷小羊也要处死,既然都是一死宁可偷大羊(may as well be hahged for a sheep as lamb》。此语即喻指"一不做,二不休"。

  eg: I'm going to be late for work anyway, so I think I'll go to the shop for a paper.I might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb。 反正上班要迟到,我想,一不做,二不休,干脆再到商店买份报纸。

  4. separate/tell the sheep from the goats


  eg: This test shold really separate the sheep from the goats. 这次考试应该能够真正区分考生的优劣。 也可以用the sheep and the goats形容好人和坏人

  5. a Wolf in sheep's clothing 披着羊皮的狼/伪善的人

  6. sheep without a shepherd 乌合之众

  7. one scabbed sheep inflects the whole flock. 一只羊生疮,整群羊遭殃