
Backtracking is basically a form of searching. In the context of Prolog, suppose that the Prolog interpreter is trying to satisfy a sequence of goals goal_1, goal_2. When the Prolog interpreter finds a set of variable bindings which allow goal_1 to be satisfied, it commits itself to those bindings, and then seeks to satisfy goal_2. Eventually one of two things happens: (a) goal_2 is satisfied and finished with; or (b) goal_2 cannot be satisfied. In either case, Prolog backtracks. That is, it "un-commits" itself to the variable bindings it made in satisfying goal_1 and goes looking for a different set of variable bindings that allow goal_1 to be satisfied. If it finds a second set of such bindings, it commits to them, and proceeds to try to satisfy goal_2 again, with the new bindings. In case (a), the Prolog interpreter is looking for extra solutions, while in case (b) it is still looking for the first solution. So backtracking may serve to find extra solutions to a problem, or to continue the search for a first solution, when a first set of assumptions (i.e. variable bindings) turns out not to lead to a solution.


Example: here is the definition of the built-in Prolog predicate member:


member(X, [X | Rest]). % X is a member if its the first element
member(X, [Y | Rest]) :-
    member(X, Rest).   % otherwise, check if X is in the Rest
You may not think of member as a backtracking predicate, but backtracking is built into Prolog, so in suitable circumstances, member will backtrack:
?- member(X, [a, b, c]).X = a ;X = b ;X = c ;false.
Here member backtracks to find every possible solution to the query given to it. Consider also:
?- member(X, [a, a, a]).X = a ;X = a ;X = a ;false.
Here member backtracks even though it keeps on finding the same answer. What about
?- member(a, [a, a, a]).true ;true ;true ;false.
This is because prolog has three ways of proving that a is a member of [a, a, a].


The term backtracking also applies to seeking several sets of variable bindings to satisfy a single goal.

In some circumstances, it may be desirable to inhibit backtracking, as when only a single solution is required. The Prolog cut goal allows this.

Tracing the execution of a piece of Prolog code that backtracks can be a good way to figure out what happens during backtracking. If you wanted to experiment with backtracking by tracing member, you could achieve this by copying the code for member, given above, changing the name from member to say mem in the three places where it appears, and then tracing your mem procedure.


The built-in predicate bagof(+Template, +Goal, -Bag) is used to collect a list Bag of all the items Template that satisfy some goal Goal. Example: assume


likes(mary, pizza).
likes(marco, pizza).
likes(Human, pizza) :- italian(Human).
?- bagof(Person, likes(Person, pizza), Bag).
Person = _G180
Bag = [mary, marco, marco]

Notice that Bag contains the item marco twice, because there are two ways to prove that marco likes pizza - the fact and via the rule. bagof fails if Goal has no solutions.

See also setof, and, for differences between bagof and findall, see findall.


Binding is a word used to describe giving a value to a variable. It normally occurs during application of a Prolog rule, or an attempt to satisfy the goals in a Prolog query.


Suppose that the Prolog database contains just the single fact likes(mary, pizza). and that there is a query:

?- likes(mary, What).

Prolog will search the (tiny) database, find that the query can be satisfies if What = pizza, do it will bind What to pizza and report success:

?- likes(mary, What).
What = pizza ;

Now suppose that there is a rule and facts in Prolog's database:

teaches(Teacher, Student):-
    lectures(Teacher, Subject), studies(Student, Subject).
lectures(codd, databases).
studies(fiona, databases).
studies(fred, databases).

and that the user issues the query:

?- teaches(codd, Who).

The Prolog interpreter first matches the head of the rule with the query, and so binds Teacher to codd. It then finds a fact that indicates a subject that Codd lectures - namelylectures(codd, databases). At this point, the variableSubject is bound to databases (Subject = databases). In other words, Subject, perhaps temporarily, has the value databases. Then Prolog tries to satisfy the second goal studies(Student, Subject) with Subject = databases, i.e. it tries to satisfy studies(Student, databases). When it finds the solution, studies(fiona, databases) it will bind Subject to fiona, and report the solution:

?- teaches(codd, Who).
Who = fiona

Notice that the bindingSubject = databases was made in solving the query, but it is not reported, as it is not explicitly part of the query.

Then, if the user types ";", Prolog will backtrack and undo the bindingStudent = fiona and look for another value for Subject that satisfies studies(Student, databases), and find as Student = fred. However, while binding (and unbinding) is involved in this step, it is properly treated under backtracking.


the last part of a Prolog rule. It is separated from the head by the neck symbol, written as :-. It has the form of a comma-separated list of goals, each of which is a functor, possibly followed by a comma-separated list of arguments, in parentheses. E.g. in the rule
sister_of(X,Y) :-
    X == Y,
the three goals female(Y), X == Y, same_parents(X,Y) form the body.



built-in predicate
To make Prolog programming more practical, a number of predicates or are built into Prolog. These include some utility procedures, which could have been programmed by the Prolog user, and some which do non-logic programming things, like the input and output routines, debugging routines, and a range of others.



This refers to the text used in COMP9414/9814 at the University of New South Wales, Australia:
Bratko, I., Programming in Prolog for Artificial Intelligence, 4th Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2011



built-in functions, abs, atan, ceiling, cos, exp, float, floor, log, round, sign, sin, sqrt, tan, truncate
A small number of mathematical functions are built into Prolog, including:


abs(Exp)absolute value of Exp : i.e. Exp if Exp ≥ 0, –Exp if Exp < 0
atan(Exp)arctangent (inverse tangent) of Exp : result is in radians
cos(Exp)cosine of the Exp : Exp is in radians
exp(Exp)eExp : e is 2.71828182845...
log(Exp)natural logarithm of Exp : i.e. logarithm to the base* e
sin(Exp)sine of the Exp : Exp is in radians
sqrt(Exp)square root of the Exp
tan(Exp)tangent of the Exp: Exp is in radians
sign(Exp)sign (+1 or –1) of the Exp: sign(–3) = –1 = sign(–3.7)
float(Exp)float of the Exp: float(22) = 22.0 - see also float the predicate
floor(Exp)largest integer ≤ Exp: floor(1.66) = 1

