
篮球明星韦德(Dwayne Wade)刚刚才帮助迈阿密热火队(Miami Heat)连续第二年夺得NBA总冠军,将该队本已响亮的名声继续发扬光大,现在他正试图帮助一家迫切希望重现其昔日辉煌的中国运动品牌提升形象。但对韦德来说,要让李宁有限公司(Li Ning Co.)的品牌重现昔日的辉煌很可能要比收拾邓肯(Tim Duncan)和圣安东尼奥马刺队(San Antonio Spurs)还难。

Fresh off of helping the Miami Heat burnish their already sterlingreputation with a second NBA title in as many years, basketball star Dwayne Wade is now trying bolster the image of a Chinese sports brand desperate to recover its former glory.

周三,韦德在北京登台亮相,吸引了大批崇拜他的年轻篮球迷围观。在他推介李宁新一代"韦德之道"(Way of Wade)篮球鞋时,旁边的粉丝一阵欢呼。韦德用普通话说道,我又来了。话音一落便引得球迷掌声。韦德又说,以他名字命名的这一系列运动鞋在设计时受到决心和他自身成长背景的启发。他说,我在芝加哥长大,必须无所畏惧。

But reviving the fortunes of Li Ning Co. could well prove more difficult than putting away Tim Duncan and the San Antonio Spurs.


Mr. Wade took the stage in China