
几个月前,当凯茜•泰勒•阿万特(Kaci Taylor Avant)因考试作弊被抓后,学校的老师便给她妈妈打了个电话,电话那头的反应用"震惊"二字来形容一点儿也不为过。这么说是有原因的,凯茜一直都能完成自己的家庭作业,在校成绩也几乎都是A。关于作弊为何是错的,母女俩已就此谈过了。我们接下来要说说凯茜的年纪。凯茜的妈妈莱纳•阿万特(Laina Avant)说,"我不得不问自己,'天哪,这是真的吗?她才八岁啊!'"莱纳是新泽西州帕特森市(Paterson)的一名网络工程师。

When Kaci Taylor Avant got caught cheating on a test a few months back, the teacher called her mother, who was nothing less than stunned. After all, Kaci always does her homework and gets mostly As in school. Mother and daughter had already had 'the talk' about how cheating was wrong. And then there's Kaci's age.


'I had to ask myself, 'Wow, really? She is only 8!' ' says her mother Laina Avant, a Paterson, N.J., network engineer.


As school-testing season heats up this spring, many elementary-school parents are getting similar calls.


The line between right and wrong in the classroom is often hazy for young children, and shaping the moral compass of children whose brains are still developing can be one of the trickiest jobs a parent faces. Many parents overreact or misread the motivations of small children, say researchers and educators, when it is actually more important to explore the underlying cause.

面对5到6岁的孩子,父母应该帮助这些拥有"非黑即白"思维方式的幼儿建立起这样一种观念:即作弊和孩子们已知的一些坏行为一样,都是不好的。 2012 年发表在期刊《儿童发展》(Child Development)上的一则研究表明,早在2岁半到4岁间,大多数幼儿就能明白打人、推人和捉弄别人都是不对的。而学龄前儿童一般都知道在游戏中作弊是错误的。俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布校区(Ohio State University in Columbus)教育心理学教授埃里克•安德曼(Eric Anderman)称:"但要将这个道理从游戏情境中类推到学术情境中是一步巨大的飞跃。 "

A growing body of research suggests responses for parents, adjusting strategies in subtle ways by each age.

一年级和二年级学生常常被教导要在班级小组中和同学一起做功课、与他人分享自己的想法。所以当告诉他们必须开始独立学习的时候,安德曼博士说:"这当然会让一个7岁的孩子感到困惑。"到了三年级,随着更多的孩子开始参加全国标准化考试,"高压便来了",全美小学校长协会(National Association of Elementary School Principals)会长马克•特里(Mark Terry)如是说。大多数学校还会开始打分,或是为了不落于人后,或是为了取悦父母老师,孩子们可能就会作弊。那些学习技巧不精或学习障碍型儿童尤其容易受此影响。2010年发表在《临床儿童和青少年心理学期刊》(Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology)上的一项研究称,较差的冲动控制力与较高的作弊倾向性息息相关。该研究共涉及189名儿童。

The challenge with 5- and 6-year-olds is helping these little black-and-white thinkers liken cheating with other actions they already know are bad. Most children understand as early as ages 2 1/2 to 4 that it is wrong to hit, shove or tease another child, says a 2012 study in the journal Child Development. And preschoolers typically know it is wrong to cheat at games. 'But translating that understanding from a game situation to an academic situation is a huge leap,' says Eric Anderman, a professor of educationalpsychology at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

来自新泽西州东温莎(East Windsor)的作者、心理学家肯尼斯•肖尔(Kenneth Shore)说,还有一些儿童在这个阶段会因为忙于体育项目、参与各种活动而无暇学习,这会使他们开始感受到压力。肖尔还说:"父母会有一点惊慌,"而这种惊慌感又会因为操心孩子的自然作业、为他们听写句子或替他们打出作文而加剧。 这些举动不仅传达出这样一种信息,即把别人的成果当成自己的劳动来示于众人是被允许的,而且还隐含着另一层意思,即分数比学习过程更重要──这种心态又与研究中出现的高作弊率息息相关。 到了五年级,"是否参与作弊,孩子们会承受来自同龄人的巨大压力。如果某人找你要答案,你却没给的话,这种行为在孩子们的世界里就是一个大罪行。 "特里说,父母可以通过给孩子们一个台阶下来帮助他们,"好吧,你知道我愿意和你共享答案,但如果我这么做了,我爸爸会杀了我的。 "

First- and second-graders are often taught to work together and share ideas in small classroom groups. When told they must start working independently, 'it's naturally confusing to a 7-year-old,' Dr. Anderman says. By third grade, 'the high pressure starts' as more students begin taking state standardized tests, says Mark Terry, president of the National Association of Elementary School Principals. Most schools also begin giving grades, and children may cheat to keep up or to please parents or teachers. Children with poor study skills or learning disabilities are especially vulnerable; poor impulse control is linked with a higher readiness to cheat, says 2010 study of 189 children in the Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology.

越来越多的学校开始允许手机出现在课堂上,这就增加了孩子们通过用短信、照片或存档笔记来作弊的机会。研究发现,大多数五年级学生都知道,从网上复制文字就是作弊。纽约州亨普斯特德县(Hempstead)霍夫斯特拉大学(Hofstra University)心理学助理教授金伯利•吉尔伯特(Kimberly Gilbert)说,但很多人不清楚"到底从来源文章上扒下多少字才算作弊以及该如何用自己的话来阐述那些信息。"

Other children start feeling pressured at this stage by busy sports and activity schedules that don't allow time to study, says Kenneth Shore, an East Windsor, N.J., author and psychologist. 'Parents can get a little panicky' and compound the problem by orchestrating kids' science projects, dictating sentences or typing their kids' essays, he says. Not only does this send the message that presenting someone else's work as your own is OK, but it suggests that grades are more important than learning -- an attitude linked in research to higher rates of cheating. By fifth grade, 'peer pressure to cheat is huge. If somebody asks you for answers and you don't share them, it can be a major offense among the kids,' Mr. Terry says. Parents can help by giving a child an out: 'Well, you know I'd share it with you, but my dad would kill me if I did.'


More schools are allowing cellphones in classrooms, expanding opportunities to cheat via text message, photos or stored notes. And research shows that while most fifth-graders know that copying words off the Internet is cheating, many don't understand 'exactly how much is too much to pull from a source, and how to paraphrase information,' says Kimberly Gilbert, an associate professor of psychology at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y.

而在整个中学时期,作弊率一路走高。洛杉矶的一家非营利性品德教育机构──约瑟夫森伦理研究所(Josephson Institute of Ethics)2012年针对23,000名高中生所做的一份调查显示,到了高中,51%的学生承认曾在去年的某次考试中作弊,74%的人称他们抄袭了其他同学的家庭作业。该机构创始人迈克尔•约瑟夫森(Michael Josephson)称,调查结果反映了"一种普遍的作弊文化"。

About 30% of elementary students report cheating when asked on anonymous surveys, according to a seminal 1999 researchreview that is still cited by researchers and administrators. Some researchers believe the incidence is rising. 'We hear about cheating happening more and more, at younger ages,' especially as younger children bring more mobile devices to school, says Dr. Anderman, who is co-editor of a reference book on academic cheating. Mr. Terry estimates about 1 in 3 students cheat at some point during elementary school.


Cheating rates rise through middle school and by high school, 51% of students admit to cheating on a test in the past year, and 74% say they have copied another student's homework, according to a 2012 survey of 23,000 high-school students by the Josephson Institute of Ethics, in Los Angeles, a nonprofit character-education organization. Founder Michael Josephson says the findings reflect 'a pervasive cheating culture.'


All of which heightens the need for parents to teach and model strong decision-making behavior to their younger children, who are becoming vulnerable to such pressures at ever-earlier ages. Dr. Shore advises parents to 'take a breather' to calm down if they receive a call about their child cheating. Then, he advises telling the child you're disappointed, cheating is unacceptable and it mustn't happen again. Beyond that, says Dr. Shore, it is important to meet with the teacher or principal and help the child figure out what kind of pressures or stresses led him to cheat.


Ms. Avant got the call about Kaci's cheating while commuting home on the bus from her job at a New York City law firm. Horrified and embarrassed, she had time to calm herself before picking Kaci up after school.


When Ms. Avant asked her daughter that evening why she cheated, Kaci said she was afraid her mom would be angry over a bad grade. 'When she said that, I thought, 'Wow, maybe I need to check myself,'' Ms. Avant says.


A former college athlete, and founder of a girls' T-shirt company, Ms. Avant says she has always spoken loudly to assert herself. But she realized that using that tone of voice with Kaci, and demanding that she study and put forth her best effort at school, made her daughter afraid to admit she sometimes didn't understand her homework, Ms. Avant says.

丽莎•安德丽琪•赫弗南(Lisa Endlich Heffernan)有三个儿子,今年分别是17、20和21岁。赫弗南说,她在儿子们上小学时就开始教育他们:作弊就跟撒谎一样。通过这样的方式,赫弗南试着给孩子们灌输对与错的观念。她告诉他们,如果要在作弊和低分之间选一个,那就选"得D吧"。赫弗南是来自纽约州贝德福德山(Bedford Hills)的一名作者,同时也是GrownandFlown.com网站上的育儿博主。

Ms. Avant explained to Kaci that cheating was wrong, said she was disappointed in her and met with her teacher and principal. She says she also spends more time now going over homework, lowering her voice and encouraging Kaci to 'be more up front' when she doesn't understand something. Kaci has since been showing her mother all her papers, including answers she got wrong. The third-grader still gets mostly As, and she has learned that 'cheating is bad,' Kaci says in a phone interview. If she doesn't know a test answer, 'I just do the best I can,' she says.


For parents, stressing intrinsic goals, such as mastery, learning and doing one's best, can be tough. But research shows it is one of the best ways to prevent cheating.


Lisa Endlich Heffernan, mother of three sons who are now 17, 20 and 21, says she tried to instill a sense of right and wrong by teaching them starting in elementary school that cheating was like lying. If facing a choice between cheating or getting a low grade, she told them to 'take the D,' says the Bedford Hills, N.Y., author and parenting blogger at GrownandFlown.com.

Sue Shellenbarger