
超人:钢铁之躯》(Man of Steel)当然是把自己看成是一本正经的原创故事。故事以砰砰的心跳拉开帷幕,接着那个你知道是谁的人从他母亲的子宫里降生到了氪星球上。(罗素•克罗(Russell Crowe)和阿耶莱特•祖瑞尔(Ayelet Zurer)饰演婴儿的父母。)我们被告知,这件大吉大利的事情是氪星上数百年来第一例自然分娩。然而,在我们的星球上,这个故事即使算不上流产的话,也证明是一次失败的生产。这又是一部被令人麻木的动作和痴迷追求数字特效的行为所毁掉的电影大片。(我选择观看的是2-D版本,因此我不能对3-D版加以批评。)这是一部极其令人失望的电影,因为这部片子的酝酿过程是那么地值得期待(虽然经历并不快乐)。人们期待它的部分原因是亚历克斯•麦克道尔(Alex McDowell)精致的制作设计。在他的设计中,氪星文明受到跨宇宙的哥特式和高迪式潮流的影响,但是大多修饰得比较阴暗。从长长的序幕中可以清楚看到,我们见到的超人(Superman)与过去那个身着紧身衣、体格强健的超级英雄不一样了,他将被塑造成更为严肃的形象。我们甚至都不再把这位卡尔-埃尔(Kal-El)当成是超人。超人这个名字在整部影片中都没有提及,虽然它差点从埃米•亚当斯(Amy Adams)饰演的洛伊斯•莱恩(Lois Lane)口中脱口而出。那么他胸膛上的那个大写的S代表什么呢?戴维•S•戈耶(David S. Goyer)的电影脚本显示,那根本不是S,而是氪星的文字,意为"希望"──也就是人类的希望。

'Man of Steel' certainly does take itself seriously as an origin story. It starts with a pounding heartbeat, followed by you-know-who emerging from his mother's womb on the planet Krypton. (Russell Crowe and Ayelet Zurer are the baby's parents.) That auspicious event is, we are told, Krypton's first natural birth in centuries. On our planet, however, the story proves to be a miscarriage, if not quite an abortion. Here's one more studio extravaganza brought down by numbing action and an addiction to generic digital effects. (I chose to see the 2-D version, so I can't blame the third dimension.)

片名中的这位钢铁之躯不再是过去那种内衣外穿的形象,亨利•卡维尔(Henry Cavill)将其演绎成一个纯粹严肃的角色,呈现在我们眼前的是神一般的力量。因此,这部由扎克•斯奈德(Zack Snyder)执导的影片让人产生了这样一个疑问:我们是否聪明到会张开双臂接受这样一个形象的程度。即使卡尔-埃尔和基督在视觉上的相似性渲染得有些过度,但这依然是一个值得研究的问题。对于这样一个英雄人物影片中有很多看点:这个生活在美国中西部的年轻人(凯文•科斯特纳(Kevin Costner)和戴安•莱恩(Diane Lane)饰演他的养父母)在意会到那些力量时心生困惑;遇到洛伊斯(她这一次很快得知了他的真实身份)的场景;以及为迎战心怀鬼胎、带着一大帮坏人从氪星赶来的坏蛋佐德将军(迈克尔•珊农(Michael Shannon饰演))所做的准备。

It's a huge disappointment, since the buildup to the action is so promising, albeit joyless. The promise lies partly in Alex McDowell's elegant production design, which suggests that Krypton's civilization was influenced by cross-cosmos currents of Gothic and Gaudí, but mainly in the darkly revisionist premise. We will not, the long prelude makes clear, be seeing Superman as yesteryear's sturdy superhero in tights; he's to be taken more seriously than that. We won't even be seeing this iteration of Kal-El as Superman, a name that goes unspoken throughout, though it almost escapes the lips of Amy Adams's Lois Lane. Then what does that capital S on his chest stand for? It isn't an S at all, David S. Goyer's script reveals slyly, but a Kryptonic character that means 'hope'