
了婚的两个人还能重新来过、再度相爱吗?即将登陆中国银幕的爱情片《被偷走的那五年》(The Stolen Years)再度提出了这个永恒的问题。

Can a divorced couple fall in love all over again?


That's the time-honored question posed in 'The Stolen Years,' the latest romantic drama hitting China's movie screens.


The film, directed by Barbara Wong, opens with a happy young couple on their honeymoon, but catastrophe strikes almost immediately when the newlyweds get into a motorcycle accident. The bride, He Mann (Bai Baihe) wakes up in a hospital asking for her husband (Joseph Chang), but she soon learns that it's been five years since her honeymoon.


She has no memory of the years in between