

  A lot of(很多)人对 much,many 和 a lot 的用法不是很清楚。在如何使用这些单词的问题上,并没有 many(很多)的规则。因此,不必要在这方面过于用心。按照下面的教案和学生们一起练习,在可下载的文件中有 lots of(很多)有用的材料。 

  或许你想查看我们的 Ask and Answer 页面,那里也有相关的用法解释。
A lot of people are confused about the use of much, many and a lot. There aren't so many rules to understand about how to use these words. So, it's not necessary to make too much of a fuss about them. Try out this lesson plan with your students. There are lots of materials included in the downloads. 

Also, you might want to check out our Ask and Answer page
  Lesson Plan
  Teaching Notes - Chinese
  Teaching Notes - English
This lesson's materials include a Find Someone Who activity, a gap-fill worksheet, a set of flashcards, and a series of sentences to correct.
  Correct the Sentence Worksheet
  Find Someone Who...
  Gapfill Worksheet

