

在 Beyond the Postcard 中我们介绍了一些大家不是很熟悉的英国的名胜古迹。你想了解更多关于这些名胜古迹的情况吗?你知道怎样找到更多这方面的信息吗?在本单元的特辑中,我们将帮助你学习如何利用互联网查找相关信息。

The Web is made up of millions of pages and sites. Thousands more are added every day.

How do you find a particular piece of information on The Web?

Luckily, there are many Web sites that offer a free search service, and these are generally known as search engines. For example, inputting the word "Oxford" would bring up a list of sites containing information and news on Oxford.
Search engines often work by sending out "spiders", which are autonomous internet programs that trawl the Web looking for sites not to include in their database, sending back information about each site they visit as they do so.

You may have heard people saying they found something on "Google", "Yahoo" or "Sohu". These are all search engines.

But how do you get to a search engine ? Go on to the next page to find out.
search engine 搜索引擎(A search engine is a searchable online database of internet resources.)
spider (n.) 蜘蛛
autonomous (adj.) 自发的
trawl (v.) 搜索
databse (n.) 数据库
