
百胜餐饮集团(Yum Brands Inc.)旗下火锅连锁小肥羊集团有限公司(Little Sheep Group Ltd.)上周澄清了有关肉类产品的质量问题。此前,上海食品安全监管机构说,该公司从某批发商那里收到了一批标名是羊肉的货物,但里面同时也有猪肉和鸭肉。虽然百胜餐饮已把自己与这件事撇清,但这场风波仍凸显出它在保证中国食品供应链质量方面遇到的挑战。在中国,很多食品生产商缺少技术平台,无法在牲畜宰杀前后跟踪相关肉制品的动向。这件事发生半年前,中国监管机构曾说百胜餐饮旗下的肯德基(KFC)餐厅使用抗生素超标的鸡肉。百胜餐饮为此道歉说,会停止使用数量众多的小养殖户。这些养殖户的生鸡质量较难跟踪。研究机构Buckingham Research的分析师斯派泽(Mitchell Speiser)说,随着百胜餐饮继续快速扩大在华规模,它将面临声誉风险,原因是在回溯供应链原材料方面存在诸多挑战。他说,没人因为吃了你的东西患病或丧命,但会影响你的声誉,这就是在新兴市场采取积极发展策略的风险。

Yum Brands Inc. was cleared last week of meat quality issues in its Little Sheep Group Ltd. chain of restaurants in China, after Shanghai food safety regulators had earlier said the company received shipments labeled as lamb meat, but which also contained pork and duck, from a wholesaler. Although Yum was cleared in the latest case, the incident underscored the challenge of maintaining quality through its supply chain in China, where many producers lack the technology platforms to track the movement of animal products before and after slaughter.


The latest issue came six months after Chinese regulators said the company