
By Nick Bryant, Sydney


Background: 澳大利亚曾在 1983 年获得美洲杯帆船赛冠军,不过,现在有人对澳大利亚的那次胜利提出了疑问。美洲杯帆船赛规定,参赛帆船必须是参赛国公民设计或制造才行。现在荷兰船只设计师 Peter Van Oossanen 声称,赛艇的著名带翼龙骨是他设计的。

Media English

So ferocious were the celebrations following Australia's victory in the 1983 America's Cup that the then Prime Minister Bob Hawke said bosses who sacked workers for not turning up to work were bums.

It's seen as one of the country's greatest sporting triumphs, but now a Dutch naval architect has come forward claiming that he designed the famous winged keel that helped propel Australia II to victory.

Peter Van Oossanen said he had grown tired of the Dutch design team being airbrushed out of history and that the record should be corrected.

But the businessman Alan Bond, who bankrolled the boat, said the winged keel was 100 per cent Australian and that any other suggestion was codswallop.