
    汉生:乐乐,这是你们家的全家福照片吗?    乐乐:是啊,来,看你能不能认出我来。    汉生:这还不容易?我看看......前排左边站着的就是。    乐乐:哈,你果然说错了。那个人是我姐。    汉生:是吗?你们俩长得可真像!    乐乐:你可不是第一个这么说的人了,连我自己也觉得特别像。    汉生:嗯,尤其是鼻子和眼睛,像一个模子刻出来的。不过,如果不是她的话,难道是这个小孩吗?    乐乐:没错!这张照片是十年前拍的,那时候我才9岁!    汉生:诶,不对,我怎么记得你是独生子女啊,怎么又多出个姐姐了?    乐乐:她是我堂姐,是我伯父的女儿。    汉生:哦,你们不是亲姐妹,竟然还长得那么像。抱着你的这个人是你爷爷吧?    乐乐:对,他旁边是我奶奶,她已经去世了。后面的是我堂哥、我伯父、伯母、我爸和我妈。我堂哥一直在国外生活,不过下个星期他会回国,给我爷爷过生日。    汉生:到时候你们又可以照一张全家福了。     Hansheng: Lele, is this your family photo?
Lele: Yes, come see if you can recognize me.
H: This is not easy? I see you standing in the front row at the edge.
L: Ha, you're indeed wrong. That person is my elder sister.
H: Is it? You two look really alike!
L: You're not the first person to say so. Even I have felt we're very much alike.
H: Ah, especially the nose and eyes, carved out as a mold. If it's not her, who can be this child?
L: Right! This photo was taken 10 years ago, at that time I was 9 years old!
H: Ah, but how I remember you were the only child, how about an additional sister?
L: She is my cousin, my uncle's daughter.
H: Oh, you're not sisters. You don't even look alike. This man holding you is your grandfather, right?
L: Yes, at his side is my grandmother, she passed away. Behind are my cousin, uncle, aunt, father and mother. My cousin lives overseas, but he'll return home next week for my father's birthday.
H: At that time you can take a family photo.

-- benchannevy@

Lesson Summary:
The picture of a whole family taken together is called "family photo". Can you using Chinese introduce your family members from "the family photo"? Lesson Content: Hansheng: Lele, is this your family photo?
Lele: Yes, come see if you can recognize me.
H: This is not easy? I see you standing in the front row at the edge.
L: Ha, you're indeed wrong. That person is my elder sister.
H: Is it? You two look really alike!
L: You're not the first person to say so. Even I have felt we're very much alike.
H: Ah, especially the nose and eyes, carved out as a mold. If it's not her, who can be this child?
L: Right! This photo was taken 10 years ago, at that time I was 9 years old!
H: Ah, but how I remember you were the only child, how about an additional sister?
L: She is my cousin, my uncle's daughter.
H: Oh, you're not sisters. You don't even look alike. This man holding you is your grandfather, right?
L: Yes, at his side is my grandmother, she passed away. Behind are my cousin, uncle, aunt, father and mother. My cousin lives overseas, but he'll return home next week for my father's birthday.
H: At that time you can take a family photo.