
    汉生:乐乐,你说王丽生日我们送什么生日礼物好呢?    乐乐:谁说要和你一起送生日礼物了?    汉生:你可真不够朋友。你知道我最不擅长给女孩子挑礼物了。    乐乐:说得那么可怜。好吧,好吧,我们一块儿买一个生日蛋糕吧。    汉生:行啊,那我们现在就去买吧。    乐乐:瞧你,听风就是雨的,王丽周四生日,我们周三把蛋糕预定好就行。    汉生:好的,你办事,我放心。     Han Sheng: Le Le, what do we prepare for Wang Li's birthday?
Le Le: Did I say I will give Wang Li's birthday present with you?
Han Sheng: What, we are best friends right? You know me. I'm not good at picking gifts for girls.
Le Le: Poor man. Ok, Ok, let's buy a birthday cake together.
Han Sheng: That's good. Then let's buy it now.
Le Le: Look at you, you're so gullible to believe or do whatever people suggest. Wang Li's birthday is Thursday. It's ok for us to book a cake on Wednesday.
Han Sheng:Ok, whatever you suggest is good.

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Geoff Gibbs.