
    汉生:乐乐,周五晚上有什么安排?    乐乐:没什么安排。    汉生:那去看话剧吧。繁星剧场现在有一部话剧,听说很有意思。    乐乐:好主意。那个剧场的具体位置在哪儿?我以前好像没听说过。    汉生:在宣武门。    乐乐:宣武门?那么远啊?    汉生:我不是有车嘛,到时候我开车带你过去。    乐乐:好,那先谢谢你了。对了,话剧几点开始啊?    汉生:七点开始。从这里开车过去大概要一个小时。    乐乐:五六点钟正是下班高峰时间,路上肯定很堵。平常一小时的路可能要走两个小时。不如我们坐地铁吧。    汉生:剧场附近倒是有地铁站,就是有点麻烦。得先坐1号线到西单,然后换4号线再坐一站地才能到宣武门。    乐乐:我觉得就算倒一次地铁,用的时间也会比开车少。还是坐地铁吧。    汉生:好,就这么定了。六点钟地铁站,不见不散啊。     HS: Le Le, do you have any plans for Friday night?
LL: No plans yet.
HS: Then let's go watch a play. The Fan Xing Theater is currently staging a play, I heard that it's pretty interesting.
LL: Good idea. Where is this theater located? I haven't heard of it before.
HS: Xuanwumen.
LL: Xuanwumen? That's so far!
HS: Don't you remember that I have a car? I can pick you up when the time comes.
LL: Ok, thank you! Say, what time is the play starting?
HS: The play starts at 7:00 p.m. It's about an hour's drive from here.
LL: But 5:00-6:00 p.m. is the rush hour, people are getting off work. The traffic will certainly be congested, a regular one hour journey will become a two hour journey. Why don't we take the subway instead?
HS: There is a subway nearby the theater, but it's a bit troublesome. To get to Xuanwumen, we have to take Line 1, get off at Xidan, then change to Line 4 and get off at the first stop.
LL: I feel it's better to take the subway. Although we have to change lines, but it's less time consuming than taking the car.
HS: Sure, it's settled then, we'll meet at the subway at 6:00 p.m. Be there or be square!

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
Traffic is particularly congested during rush hours. If you have an important appointment to keep during the rush hour, it's best to choose the right mode of transportation so that you can arrive on time. Lesson Content: HS: Le Le, do you have any plans for Friday night?
LL: No plans yet.
HS: Then let's go watch a play. The Fan Xing Theater is currently staging a play, I heard that it's pretty interesting.
LL: Good idea. Where is this theater located? I haven't heard of it before.
HS: Xuanwumen.
LL: Xuanwumen? That's so far!
HS: Don't you remember that I have a car? I can pick you up when the time comes.
LL: Ok, thank you! Say, what time is the play starting?
HS: The play starts at 7:00 p.m. It's about an hour's drive from here.
LL: But 5:00-6:00 p.m. is the rush hour, people are getting off work. The traffic will certainly be congested, a regular one hour journey will become a two hour journey. Why don't we take the subway instead?
HS: There is a subway nearby the theater, but it's a bit troublesome. To get to Xuanwumen, we have to take Line 1, get off at Xidan, then change to Line 4 and get off at the first stop.
LL: I feel it's better to take the subway. Although we have to change lines, but it's less time consuming than taking the car.
HS: Sure, it's settled then, we'll meet at the subway at 6:00 p.m. Be there or be square!