
    洋洋:大卫,我在这儿,终于接到你了。    大卫:洋洋,见到你真好,我在车上时一直担心找不到你。    洋洋:是啊,多亏了有电话。我们边走边聊。    大卫:没有电话的帮忙我肯定找不到你了。    洋洋:对了,你平时用电话和家人朋友联系吗?    大卫:不全是。我有时和他们打电话,有时和他们用互联网联系。    洋洋:嗯,上网比打电话便宜多了。多亏了发达的现代科技,想想古代的人要远距离的联系,哪有我们幸福呀?    大卫:中国古代人用什么方式进行联系?    洋洋:中国古代人都是用书信来传递信息的,比如飞鸽传书。    大卫:哦,用动物做通讯手段,中国人真聪明!不过飞鸽传书和现在的通讯手段相比,还是逊色不少!。    洋洋:是呀,飞鸽再快也不如电话、网络快呀。    大卫:要是我生活在古代,我肯定来不了中国了。    洋洋:为什么呢?    大卫:因为要让鸽子把我的信送到美国去,怎么也要好几个月,我可等不及!     洋洋:哈哈,大卫,你现在越来越幽默了。    大卫:哈哈,谢谢。     YY: David, I'm over her! You're here at last!
David: Yang Yang, it's so good to see you! Throughout the entire journey, I kept worrying about not being able to locate you.
YY: Yep, thanks to the mobile, I can give you the directions as you find your way around.
David: I definitely won't be able to find you without a mobile.
YY: Say, do you normally get in touch with your family and friends via phone calls?
David: Not the whole time, sometimes I call them, sometimes I get in touch with them over the internet.
YY: Communication over the internet is way cheaper than making phone calls, all made possible with developments in modern technology. The thought of long distance communication in ancient times makes me feel really blessed.
What methods did the people of ancient China use to get in touch with each other?
YY: In ancient China, people used letters to convey messages, for instance, they used carrier pigeons to dispatch their letters.
David: I see, animals are used to dispatch letters, the Chinese are so ingenious! Anyway, carrier pigeons are still inferior to modern methods of communication!
YY: Yeah, no matter how fast the pigeon can fly, it can't be faster than a phone call, or even [communication over] the internet [for that matter.]
David: If I was born in the ancient times [lit. lived during the ancient times,] I won't be able to make it to China for sure.
YY: Why?
David: Because it would easily take several months for the pigeon to send your letter over to the States, I can't wait that long!
YY: Haha! David, you're getting more and more humorous these days.
David: Haha! Thanks.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
Nowadays there are more and more methods of communication such as making telephone calls, snail mail, fax, and email. What about the ancient times, how did people of that era get in touch with one another? Lesson Content: YY: David, I'm over her! You're here at last!
David: Yang Yang, it's so good to see you! Throughout the entire journey, I kept worrying about not being able to locate you.
YY: Yep, thanks to the mobile, I can give you the directions as you find your way around.
David: I definitely won't be able to find you without a mobile.
YY: Say, do you normally get in touch with your family and friends via phone calls?
David: Not the whole time, sometimes I call them, sometimes I get in touch with them over the internet.
YY: Communication over the internet is way cheaper than making phone calls, all made possible with developments in modern technology. The thought of long distance communication in ancient times makes me feel really blessed.
What methods did the people of ancient China use to get in touch with each other?
YY: In ancient China, people used letters to convey messages, for instance, they used carrier pigeons to dispatch their letters.
David: I see, animals are used to dispatch letters, the Chinese are so ingenious! Anyway, carrier pigeons are still inferior to modern methods of communication!
YY: Yeah, no matter how fast the pigeon can fly, it can't be faster than a phone call, or even [communication over] the internet [for that matter.]
David: If I was born in the ancient times [lit. lived during the ancient times,] I won't be able to make it to China for sure.
YY: Why?
David: Because it would easily take several months for the pigeon to send your letter over to the States, I can't wait that long!
YY: Haha! David, you're getting more and more humorous these days.
David: Haha! Thanks.