
    洋洋:心涛,你闯祸了!    心涛:怎么了?    洋洋:小李这回真的生气了。    心涛:他生气关我什么事?    洋洋:你忘了,中午吃饭的时候,你拿小李开涮,说他为了和美女搭讪,天天节食减肥。    心涛:就因为这个?    洋洋:是啊!你没有看到当时小李那个脸色立马就变了。我拼命地冲你使眼色,你也没反应,反而说得越来越绘声绘色。    心涛:这个小李,脸皮也太薄了吧?    洋洋:谁像你似的,脸皮比菜板还厚!你呀,以后最好管住自己的嘴,别到处拿别人找乐子。这样得罪了人,自己还蒙在鼓里呢!    心涛:至于嘛?!    洋洋:你不信就走着瞧吧! YY: XT, you are in trouble!
XT: What happened?
YY: Xiao Li got angry this time.
XT: Why do I care?
YY: You made a joke on XL that he was on diet to flirt with beauties.
XT: Is it that makes him angry?
YY: Yes! He was irritated immediately after hearing your words. I tried to remind you and stop you, but you didn't notice and continued to talk.
XT: Why did he take it seriously?
YY: He is not as oblivious as you. You'd better stop making jokes on people, or you may offend a lot of people without knowing the real reason.
XT: Is it that serious?
YY: You'll see.

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
When you are going to make jokes on your friends, you should separate some friends who can bear jokes from those who can't. If you fail to distinguish them, you may make them angry. Lesson Content: YY: XT, you are in trouble!
XT: What happened?
YY: Xiao Li got angry this time.
XT: Why do I care?
YY: You made a joke on XL that he was on diet to flirt with beauties.
XT: Is it that makes him angry?
YY: Yes! He was irritated immediately after hearing your words. I tried to remind you and stop you, but you didn't notice and continued to talk.
XT: Why did he take it seriously?
YY: He is not as oblivious as you. You'd better stop making jokes on people, or you may offend a lot of people without knowing the real reason.
XT: Is it that serious?
YY: You'll see.