
    A:心涛,你想买什么?    B:我想买两件衬衫,一件外套,一条裤子和一双鞋。    A:那我们先去服装店,然后再去鞋店。看!前面那家服装店挂着"全场五折"的牌子,我们过去看看。    B:真的吗?那我们一起去看看。    A:走吧。     A: XT, what do you want to buy?
B: I want to buy two T-shirts, a pair of trousers and a pair of shoes.
A: So we will go to the clothing shop first, and then go to the shoes shop. Look! There is brand reads half off in the clothing shop in the front. Let's have a look.
B: Really? Let's have a look at it.
A: Ok.

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
What do you want to but? Hurry up and shop together with Yang Yang! Lesson Content: A: XT, what do you want to buy?
B: I want to buy two T-shirts, a pair of trousers and a pair of shoes.
A: So we will go to the clothing shop first, and then go to the shoes shop. Look! There is brand reads half off in the clothing shop in the front. Let's have a look.
B: Really? Let's have a look at it.
A: Ok.