
    A:洋洋,你的新家装修好了吗?    B:差不多了,现在就缺一套沙发。心涛,你知道哪儿的沙发比较好吗?    A:我家的家具都是在"宜家"买的。我感觉性价比很高。    B:宜家?快别和我提宜家了。我现在对宜家有心理阴影。    A:怎么了,宜家怎么得罪你了?    B:上个周末我去宜家买餐具,刚到那儿,发现已经没车位了,于是我不得不把车停到老远的地方。好容易走进商场吧,整个商场到处都是人,购物环境恶劣极了。而且你猜,我结账花了多长时间?    A: 半个小时?    B:要是半个小时就结完帐我也不会向你抱怨。我买一套餐具,光排队结账就花了一个小时。    A:你早说啊!我有宜家的VIP卡。你以后去宜家买东西,带上我的VIP卡,可以从VIP通道结账。    B:你早说啊!害我白排了那么长时间的队。拿来!    A:什么?    B:VIP卡啊!我周末去看看有没有合适的沙发。 A : Yang Yang, did you complete your home decorations?
B : More or less. At present, a sofa is still missing. Xin Tao, do you know where can get a rather good one?
A : I bought my furniture at IKEA. I think it's really cost effective.
B : IKEA? Don't mention it, I've doubts about it.
A : How come, why does it offend you?
B : Last weekend I went to IKEA to buy tableware. I didn't find parking space. I could only park at a very far place. It would be easier to go to the market on foot. People are everywhere in the whole market. The shopping environment is abominable. Besides, guess how much time it took me to settle my account?
A : Half an hour?
B : If it"s only half an hour, I woud not complain to you. I bought a tableware and it took me an hour to wait in line before I settled my account.
A : You said that earlier! I've a VIP card. When I go shopping at IKEA I bring my VIP card to settle my account.
B : You said it earlier! It's wrong to wait in line in vain for so long. Come!
A : What?
B ; VIP card! That weekend I didn't find a comfortable sofa.

-- benchannevy@

Lesson Summary:
Do you like to buy furniture at IKEA? Although IKEA has established quite a few large scale shopping centers in China, people say they are still too small and congested. Lesson Content: A : Yang Yang, did you complete your home decorations?
B : More or less. At present, a sofa is still missing. Xin Tao, do you know where can get a rather good one?
A : I bought my furniture at IKEA. I think it's really cost effective.
B : IKEA? Don't mention it, I've doubts about it.
A : How come, why does it offend you?
B : Last weekend I went to IKEA to buy tableware. I didn't find parking space. I could only park at a very far place. It would be easier to go to the market on foot. People are everywhere in the whole market. The shopping environment is abominable. Besides, guess how much time it took me to settle my account?
A : Half an hour?
B : If it"s only half an hour, I woud not complain to you. I bought a tableware and it took me an hour to wait in line before I settled my account.
A : You said that earlier! I've a VIP card. When I go shopping at IKEA I bring my VIP card to settle my account.
B : You said it earlier! It's wrong to wait in line in vain for so long. Come!
A : What?
B ; VIP card! That weekend I didn't find a comfortable sofa.