
    A:经理,价格能再便宜点儿吗?    B:妹纸啊,你都是我们的老顾客了。我怎么可能多收你钱呢?    A:我问过其他旅行社了,旅行线路和你这个大同小异,可是人家价格比你便宜多了。    B:不可能!我们这个绝对是性价比最高的产品。那些号称便宜的,你知道里面的猫腻吗?他们能承诺不强制消费吗?     A:这个我倒没有注意。    B:妹纸,我和你说吧,你就记住我一句话:羊毛出在羊身上。他们给你的价格低,到时候在旅行过程中一样会从你身上赚回来。我可以拍着胸脯和你保证,我们的旅行团,绝对不会出现强制消费的问题。    A:经理,你也说了,我是你的老顾客,而且这次我们一家五口人都报了你们旅行团,你就不能再优惠点儿吗?    B:妹纸啊,我真是没办法了,现在是旅游旺季,很多线路都供不应求,多亏我帮你提前预定了,不然现在哪儿还有位置啊?你看这样好不好,等你们旅行回来,我送你五百块钱的优惠券,你们下次旅行的时候用。    A:老板,你太会做生意啦,好吧好吧。    B: 好嘞,那咱们现在签合同付款吧。    A:好吧。你记得给我安排最好的导游啊!    B:放心吧,这次旅行保证你们玩得尽兴! A : Manager, can you offer cheaper price again?
B : Aren't you our old customer? How can I ask you for more money?
A: I asked other agencies. Their travel routes and yours are very much the same. But their price is much cheaper than yours.
B : Impossible! We offer the most cost effective product. Those so-called cheap tickets, do you know their trick? Can they promise not to force consumption?
A : I didn't pay attention.
B : You remember what I said : They offer the low price, till they will make a profit the next time you buy their tickets. We guarantee that there will definitely no forced consumption.
A : Manager, yuu also said that I'm your old customer. Besides, we are now 5 people in your tour group, yet you won't offer a preferential treatment again.
B : Really no way. Now is travelling peak season. Supply falls short of demand. Thanks to me, I helped you book in advance, otherwise, where would you have got tickets? Why don't you wait. I'll give you $500 coupons for your next trip.
A : Boss, you do business very well. All right.
B : Go ahead. Let sign the payment contract.
A : Well. Remember to arrange for the best guide.
B : Rest assured. I guarantee you'll have a good time on this trip!

-- benchannevy@

Lesson Summary:
Spring has come and flowers are in bloom, It's the season to go out travelling. Which travel agency offers the most attractive price and quality? Lesson Content: A : Manager, can you offer cheaper price again?
B : Aren't you our old customer? How can I ask you for more money?
A: I asked other agencies. Their travel routes and yours are very much the same. But their price is much cheaper than yours.
B : Impossible! We offer the most cost effective product. Those so-called cheap tickets, do you know their trick? Can they promise not to force consumption?
A : I didn't pay attention.
B : You remember what I said : They offer the low price, till they will make a profit the next time you buy their tickets. We guarantee that there will definitely no forced consumption.
A : Manager, yuu also said that I'm your old customer. Besides, we are now 5 people in your tour group, yet you won't offer a preferential treatment again.
B : Really no way. Now is travelling peak season. Supply falls short of demand. Thanks to me, I helped you book in advance, otherwise, where would you have got tickets? Why don't you wait. I'll give you $500 coupons for your next trip.
A : Boss, you do business very well. All right.
B : Go ahead. Let sign the payment contract.
A : Well. Remember to arrange for the best guide.
B : Rest assured. I guarantee you'll have a good time on this trip!