
    刚刚过完了热热闹闹的虎年春节,胡子在北京玩的太开心了。你们那里有什么庆祝春节的活动吗?    过了春节,紧跟着一个中国的传统节日又要到来了,就是元宵节。    我们里面以前介绍过元宵节,还有吃元宵的传统,今天我再向大家介绍一下元宵灯会。    每年的正月十五是元宵节,这是一年中第一个月圆之夜。这一天,月亮会变得圆圆的,非常明亮。    按照中国民间的传统,这天晚上,皓月高悬,人们要点起彩灯进行庆贺,这也是庆祝新春的延续。同时,还要燃放焰火,吃元宵,全家团聚。    元宵节也称为灯节,从中国古代的汉朝开始,就有了元宵节点灯、赏灯的习俗。    到了唐朝,人们还在建筑的外面、树上挂灯,照亮整个城市。    现代的灯会,更加隆重。一般会有来自各地的艺人,献上自己制作的宫灯,上面还要画上优美的山水或者人物。    有些灯,还可以自动旋转,我们称为"走马灯"。    在每个灯上,都会贴着谜语,大家一边散步赏灯,一边猜灯谜,真的是既有乐趣,又启迪智慧。    在中国古典名著《红楼梦》中,也描写了全家人在一起赏灯猜灯谜的场景。可见,灯谜是雅俗共赏的娱乐项目。    元宵节当然必须要吃元宵,表示团团圆圆。这也体现出了中国人非常重视家庭团聚的观念。    元宵节当天,我当然也一定要和家人一起过啦。你们呢?怎么度过这个元宵节的?    

Lesson Summary:
The festive Year of the Tiger Spring Festival has just passed, and in Beijing, Huzi had a wonderful time. Immediately after the Spring Festival, there follows another traditional Chinese holiday, called Yuan Xiao Festival (First Night). We at CSL Pod have described before the celebration of First Night Festival and the tradition of eating Yuan Xiao (sweet dumplings), but today we will explain to you the First Night Lantern Event. Lesson Content: The festive Year of the Tiger Spring Festival has just passed, and in Beijing, Huzi had a wonderful time. Immediately after the Spring Festival, there follows another traditional Chinese holiday, called Yuan Xiao Festival (First Night). We at CSL Pod have described before the celebration of First Night Festival and the tradition of eating Yuan Xiao (First Night sweet dumplings), but today we will explain to you the First Night Lantern Event.

Every year, the 15th day of the first month is called First Night, the first night of the new year when the moon is at its fullest. On this day, the moon becomes very round and very, very bright.

Following folk tradition, on this night when the moon is bright and high, people light colorful lanterns and march in celebration to welcome the return of spring. At the same time, people set off fireworks, eat sweet First Night dumplings, and families gather together.

First Night came to be called the Lantern Festival during the time of the ancient Han Dynasty, when the custom of lighting and appreciating First Night lanterns began.

By the Tang Dynasty, people hung lanterns outside on buildings and from trees, illuminating the entire city.

Nowadays, lantern events are even grander. The average event boasts lanterns made by artisans from all over, who create their own individually designed lanterns, which are covered with beautiful landscapes or human figures.

Some lanterns can even rotate on their own; we call them "walking-horse lanterns."

On every lantern is placed a riddle, and as people stroll around appreciating the lanterns, they also must guess the meaning of the riddles. This is not only very entertaining, but it also inspires wisdom.

China's famous classic, 《A Dream in Red Mansions》, describes the setting in which everyone gathers to enjoy the lantern riddles together. In the story, one can see how lantern riddles is a form of entertainment that suits both refined and popular tastes alike.

Of course, on First Night, one must eat First Night dumplings, which represents reunion. It expresses how important the concept of family reunion is to the Chinese people.

When First Night comes, I will certainly celebrate it with my family. How about you? How will you celebrate this First Night holiday?