
    下周一,4月5日,是中国的二十四节气之一,清明节。    清明节是我国的传统节日,也是最重要的祭祀节日,是祭祖和扫墓的日子。扫墓俗称上坟,是祭祀死者的一种活动。    按照旧的习俗,扫墓时,人们要携带食品水果等物品到墓地,将食物供奉在亲人的墓前,并且为坟墓培上新土,折几枝嫩绿的新枝插在坟上,然后叩头行礼祭拜。    至今为止,中国人仍然会在清明前后去探望已经失去的亲人,寄托哀思。    清明也是一个踏青的好日子。在北京,也有一些鲜花迫不及待的开放了。    山桃花绽开了粉红的花朵,长安街旁的玉兰花也已经含苞待放,湖边的柳枝开始变得柔软并且透出淡淡的绿色。    在这样美好的春光里,人们往往要到郊外去踏青,并且展开一些体育活动。最常见的就是放风筝。    清明时节,天气变暖,雨水逐渐变多,万物开始复苏。    这也是一个植树的好时候。古人经常在清明节期间"插柳"。    我们更应该继承这个传统,在春天到来的时候,多植树,改善我们的生活环境,创造更美好的未来。    最后,不得不提的是关于清明节的一首古诗。    因为它太有名,几乎每个中国人都能吟诵。    这是唐朝诗人杜牧写的《清明》:清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。    

Lesson Summary:
The Tomb Sweeping Holiday is coming! Let's go together to the city suburbs for a Spring Adventure, and get a feel of the breath of spring! Lesson Content: Next Monday, April 5, is one of China's 24 solar phases, the Tomb Sweeping Holiday.
The Tomb Sweeping Holiday is our country's traditional holiday, and is a very important sacred holiday. It is a day for respecting our ancestors and sweeping their tombs. Sweeping the tombs is commonly referred to as "visiting the grave" and is a type of activity for respecting the dead.
According to old customs, when tomb sweeping, people should bring food, fruit, and other materials to the grave. The food will be offered in front of the loved one's grave, and in addition, there should be some fresh dirt packed on the grave, and branches with several tender new green shoots should be broken off and placed in the mound, after which respect for the ancestors shown by kowtowing should be performed.

So far, Chinese people still will go before and after the Tomb Sweeping Holiday to visit their loved ones who have already passed away in order to mourn and express their grief.
Tomb Sweeping Day is a good day for a spring outing. In Beijing, there are also some fresh flowers that can't wait to open up.
Mountain Peach Flowers bloomed their pink blossoms. The magnolias on the sides of ChangAn Street already have buds that are waiting to open, and the willow branches next to the lake have started becoming flexible and soft, and are showing a faint green color.
In this kind of perfect spring light, people will always want to go on outings to the outskirts of the city and carry out some physical activities, the most commonly seen being flying kites.
During the time of the Tomb Sweeping Festifal, the weather becomes warmer, and that rain water gradually becomes more, and all of nature begins to revive.
This is also a good time for planting trees. Ancient people often practiced the custom of "inserting the willow branch" (this phrase refers to above of placing or planting green branches in the ground)during the Tomb Sweeping Festival time.
We should even more continue respecting this tradition. When the spring time comes, plant more trees, change our living environment for the better, create a more wonderful future.
Finally, we must mention about an ancient Tomb Sweeping Holiday poem.
Because it is so famous, pretty much every Chinese person can recite it.
This is "Tomb Sweeping Day" written by the Tang dynasty poet Du Mu:

During the Tomb Sweeping Holiday
The rain drip drops, never stops
The passers-by on the road
overwhelmed with sorrow and mourning
May I ask where a hotel can be found?
A cowboy points towards the Apricot Blossom village
