
    青青:今天心情糟透了。    胡子:怎么了?    青青:公司的邮箱出问题了,我给经理的报告丢了,但他却认为我偷懒,压根儿没写。    胡子:他怎么能这么冤枉你呢?    青青:是啊,我比窦娥还冤啊。    胡子:别郁闷了,总有一天会真相大白的。    
Qing Qing: I am feeling extremely awful today.
Hu zi: what's wrong?
Qing Qing: There is something wrong with my company's mailing system. A report I sent to my boss disappeared. But My boss thought it's my excuse and I hadn't write it.
Hu zi: How can he treat you so unjustly?
Qing Qing: My luck is even worse than Dou E..
Hu zi: Don't be upset. The truth will come out one day.

Lesson Summary:
If you haven't done anything wrong but someone else thought you did, in Chinese, this experience is called "yuanwang" (being treated unfairly) Lesson Content: Qing Qing: Today I'm in a terrible mood.
Huzi: What's the matter?
Qing Qing: My company's mailbox had a problem with it, and I lost my manager's report, but he thought I was just being lazy and never wrote it in the first place!
Huzi: How could he blame you so unfairly like this?
Qing Qing: I know! I've been treated even more unjustly than Dou E (a character in one of the great Chinese tragedies who was framed for murder)!
Huzi: Don't be so depressed, some day the truth will finally come out.