
    "清明"是中国农历的二十四节气之一,一般在每年阳历的4月5日或4日。清明一到,气温升高,雨水增多,是春耕春种的大好时节,所以有"清明前后,种瓜种豆"、"植树造林,莫过清明"这样的说法。    清明不仅是一个节气,更是中国最重要的传统节日之一。清明节是中国人祭祖和扫墓的日子。按照习俗,在这一天,人们带上鲜花、酒食、果品、纸钱等来到亲人的墓地,打扫、祭拜,表达对故去亲人的尊敬和怀念。其实,最早的时候,扫墓是寒食节的内容,但由于寒食节正好在清明节的前一天,时间相近,后来两个节日逐渐融合,慢慢就变成清明扫墓了。    另外,清明节前后,正是春光明媚、花红柳绿的时节,非常适合进行户外活动。蛰伏了一冬的人们纷纷走出家门,走到青山绿水之间,踏青、春游,舒展身心。植树也是清明期间一项非常流行的活动。所以,在清明期间,既有慎终追远的沉重与悲伤,又有踏青游玩的轻松与欢快,是一个极富特色的节日。    从2008年开始,清明节被定为法定节假日,放假三天。    自古以来,描写咏叹清明节的诗歌作品就数不胜数,其中最为著名一首要数唐代诗人杜牧的《清明》,我们一起来读一下吧:    清明时节雨纷纷,    路上行人欲断魂。    借问酒家何处有?    牧童遥指杏花村。     "Qing Ming" is one of the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar, generally it falls on the 5th or 4th day of April. The arrival of Qing Ming is marked by increasingly warm air and plentiful rain, making it the best time of spring for plowing and sowing. So it is said, "Qing Ming is the (best) time for planting melon and beans" and "To plant trees and make a forest, there is no better time than Qing Ming ".

Qing Ming is not merely a solar term, it also holds the significance of being one of the more important traditional Chinese festivals, Tomb-Sweeping Day. Tomb-Sweeping Day is a day when the Chinese people will sweep the tombs and offer sacrifices to their ancestors. On this day, it is a tradition for people to bring fresh flowers, food and drink, fruits, ritual money made of paper and other such items to the tombs of their relatives; sweep the tombs, and offer sacrifices as a mark of respect and fond memories of their deceased relatives. Actually, in the early days, tomb-sweeping was part of Cold Food Festival. Since Cold Food Festival is just one day before Qing Ming Festival, the relatively close time gap of the two festivals gradually saw them being combined as one, tomb-sweeping on Qing Ming.

Apart from that, Qing Ming's spring is filled with beautiful sunshine, red flowers and green willows, the perfect setting for outdoor activities. After spending a sedentary winter at home, people are coming out in droves to stretch their bodies and minds, heading towards the verdant hills and green waters for spring outings. Planting trees is another extremely popular activity during Qing Ming. Therefore, Qing Ming is a very unique festival, it is by a solemn affair not dissimilar to the atmosphere when attending the funeral of a loved one. At the same time, there is an air of joy and relaxation typical of a spring outing.

In 2008, Qing Ming Festival has been declared a three day national holiday.

From of old, innumerable folk chants are employed to depict Qing Ming festival. Let's take a look at one of the more famous among them entitled Qing Ming by Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu:
Qing Ming brings endless rain,
On the roads, travelers are overwhelmed with sorrow
I ask, "Where can I get some wine?"
The cowherd points towards the distant Xing Hua Village (a village in Shaanxi Province, famous among poets for its wine)

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
Today is Qing Ming Festival, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day, a traditional Chinese festival. Every year on this day, many Chinese will go tomb-sweeping with fond memories of their deceased relatives. Lesson Content: "Qing Ming" is one of the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar, generally it falls on the 5th or 4th day of April. The arrival of Qing Ming is marked by increasingly warm air and plentiful rain, making it the best time of spring for plowing and sowing. So it is said, "Qing Ming is the (best) time for planting melon and beans" and "To plant trees and make a forest, there is no better time than Qing Ming ".

Qing Ming is not merely a solar term, it also holds the significance of being one of the more important traditional Chinese festivals, Tomb-Sweeping Day. Tomb-Sweeping Day is a day when the Chinese people will sweep the tombs and offer sacrifices to their ancestors. On this day, it is a tradition for people to bring fresh flowers, food and drink, fruits, ritual money made of paper and other such items to the tombs of their relatives; sweep the tombs, and offer sacrifices as a mark of respect and fond memories of their deceased relatives. Actually, in the early days, tomb-sweeping was part of Cold Food Festival. Since Cold Food Festival is just one day before Qing Ming Festival, the relatively close time gap of the two festivals gradually saw them being combined as one, tomb-sweeping on Qing Ming.

Apart from that, Qing Ming's spring is filled with beautiful sunshine, red flowers and green willows, the perfect setting for outdoor activities. After spending a sedentary winter at home, people are coming out in droves to stretch their bodies and minds, heading towards the verdant hills and green waters for spring outings. Planting trees is another extremely popular activity during Qing Ming. Therefore, Qing Ming is a very unique festival, it is by a solemn affair not dissimilar to the atmosphere when attending the funeral of a loved one. At the same time, there is an air of joy and relaxation typical of a spring outing.

In 2008, Qing Ming Festival has been declared a three day national holiday.

From of old, innumerable folk chants are employed to depict Qing Ming festival. Let's take a look at one of the more famous among them entitled Qing Ming by Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu:
Qing Ming brings endless rain,
On the roads, travelers are overwhelmed with sorrow
I ask, "Where can I get some wine?"
The cowherd points towards the distant Xing Hua Village (a village in Shaanxi Province, famous among poets for its wine)
