
    农历七月初七这一天是我国汉族的传统节日——七夕节,关于这个节日的起源有一个美丽的传说。    传说的主角是牛郎和织女。牛郎是一个年轻的小伙子,他的父母早逝,只有一头老牛相伴。而织女则是玉帝的女儿。有一天老牛给牛郎出了一个计谋,教他怎样娶织女做妻子。于是牛郎趁仙女们到河里洗澡时拿走了织女的衣裳。洗完澡后,别的仙女们穿好衣裳飞走了,唯独剩下了织女。在牛郎的恳求下,织女答应做他的妻子。婚后,牛郎织女男耕女织,生活十分幸福。织女还给牛郎生了一儿一女。后来,老牛要死去的时候,告诉牛郎要把它的皮留下来,遇到困难时披上就可以帮助他。老牛死后,夫妻俩忍痛剥下牛皮,把牛埋在山坡上。    但是玉帝和王母娘娘知道织女和牛郎成亲的消息后,勃然大怒,命令天神趁牛郎不在家时抓走了织女。牛郎回家后不见织女,急忙披上牛皮,带着两个小孩去追。眼看就要追上,王母娘娘拔下头上的簪子向银河一划,清浅的银河顿时涌起了巨浪,牛郎再也过不去了。从此,牛郎织女只能隔河相望。后来,玉帝和王母娘娘被他们之间的真情感动,准许他们每年七月七日相会一次。相传,每逢七月初七,人间的喜鹊就要飞上天去,在银河为牛郎织女搭鹊桥相会。而且人们相传,这天夜深人静的时候,人们还能在葡萄架下听到牛郎织女在天上的脉脉情话。     The seventh day of the lunar calendar's seventh month is a traditionalholiday for our country's Han people -- Qixi; and there is a lovely legend concerning the origin of this holiday.

The main characters of the legend are a cowherd and the Weaving Girl. The cowherd was a man in his early youth, and whose sole companian was his ox. On the other hand, the Weaving Girl was an immortal, the daughter of Heaven's Jade Emperor. One day the old ox came up with a scheme for the cowherd, and instructed him how he might win the Weaving Girl's hand in marriage. So, takingadvantage of the moment all the Immortal Maidens were bathing in a river, the cowherd made off with the Weaving Girl's clothes. After bathing, the other Immortal Maidens donned their robes and flew off -- only the Weaving Girl remained. Deluged by the cowherd's entreaties, the weaving maiden consented to be his wife. Married, the young cowherd tended the fields while the Weaving Girl tended the loom, and the two lived in absolute joy. The Weaving Girl blessed the cowherd with a son and a daughter. Later, as the old ox was about to die, he told the cowherd to remove his hide, for should the cowherd meet with misfortune, draping himself in the ox-hide would provide assistance. So, after the old ox died, the man and wife worked reluctanly together to cut away the hide, then buried the remains in a mountainside.

However, when the Jade Emporer and the Queen Mother of the West heard the news of cowherd's and Weaving Girl's union, they flew into a rage, and commanded their servant spirits to abduct the Weaving Girl while the cowherd was away. When the cowherd returned home and saw the Weaving Girl was gone, he hastily draped himself in the ox-hide, and carrying his two young children, went off in pursuit. Seeing this, the Queen Mother of the West to snatched a clasp from her hair scratched it over the Milky Way, quickly churning the clear and shallow Milky Way into large billows which the cowherd could no longer cross. At that point, the cowherd and the Weaving Girl would only gaze at one another from either side of the starry river. Later, seeing the true love between them, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother of the West were moved, and allowed the couple to be together once a year, on the seventh day of the seventh month. Tradition has it that every seventh day of the seventh month, all the world's magpie's fly into the heavens to become a bridge which the cowherd and the Maiden Girl cross to be together. Legend also has it that on this quietest of quiet nights, people under the Grape Trellis may still hear the cowherd's and Weaving Girl's delicate words of love.

-- davidsands@

Lesson Summary:
Lesson Content: 农历七月初七这一天是我国汉族的传统节日——七夕节,关于这个节日的起源有一个美丽的传说。