
    心涛:洋洋,你平时喜欢干什么来打发时间?    洋洋:我平时比较喜欢听音乐、看电影,和几个朋友一起逛街。你呢?    心涛:我比较喜欢体育运动,要么看比赛,要么和朋友踢踢足球。    洋洋:我前一段时间去旅行,发现广州那边的人特别喜欢用打麻将来打发时间。    心涛:嗯,打麻将是一种很有趣的消遣方式。    洋洋:我很少打麻将,你呢,你经常打麻将吗?    心涛:过年过节的时候打得比较多。麻将实际上是一种纸牌与骨牌的结合体,其基础花样源于明代的纸牌"马吊"。它的玩法复杂有趣,但是基本打法较为简单,很容易上手,是中国历史上最能吸引人的游戏形式之一。一副完整的麻将牌共有156张,目前流行的是精简版麻将,共144张牌。玩麻将时,先要洗牌,然后码牌、开牌、理牌、审牌、补花,最后就是行牌,即打牌。    洋洋:哇,你果然是行家,说起来居然一套一套的。    心涛:这没什么的,等你玩几次,手法就自然娴熟了。打麻将还非常讲究策略和技巧,它集益智性、趣味性于一体,是中国传统文化的一个重要组成部分。早在上世纪20年代,麻将就从美国辗转传入欧洲,并流行开来,成为很多人喜爱的一种娱乐活动。    洋洋:有机会你教教我怎样打麻将吧,我也想学学,感受一下它带给人们的独特的魅力呢!    心涛:好啊!我们不要只是纸上谈兵了,叫上几个朋友一起实践一下吧! XT: YY, what are you fond of doing to kill time?
YY: I usually prefer to listen to music, watch movies and go shopping with several friends. What about you?
XT: I favor sports, I usually watch contest or play football with friends.
YY: I went GuangZhou several days ago, and I find that the people in GuangZhou like to play Majhong to kill time.
XT: Yes, it's interesting to play Majhong as a way of entertainment to kill time.
YY: I seldom play it. What about you? Do you usually play Majhong?
XT: I usually play it when it's on Spring Festival or other festivals. Majhong is exactly a combination of cards and dominoes. Its basic pattern originates from card "horse dicks" in Ming Dynasty. It has a lot of interesting and complex playing method, but its basic playing method is very simple for beginners to play, which makes it one of the most attractive types of games in Chinese history. There are 156 mahjong pieces in a suit of Majhong, and 144 in the popular starter edition. While playing, we firstly shuffle, begin, manage the pieces, look at them, add pieces and finally play it.
YY: Wow, you're a master of Mahjong. How detailed you introduce it!
XT: It's nothing; you will get familiar with it after playing for several times. Besides, you have to learn some knack and operate with plans. Majhong requires intelligence while provides entertainment, one of the most important parts of Chinese traditional culture. Early in the 1920s, Majhong found its way from America to Europe, and became popular, regarded by many people as a way of amusement.
YY: Would you mind teaching me how to play if there is a chance? I want to learn it and feel myself the delight it brings people.
XT: Ok, I'd love to. Let's stop just talking and play it with some friends.

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
Do you want to know Mahjong culture? Today let's learn about the origin and skill of Mahjong. Lesson Content: XT: YY, what are you fond of doing to kill time?
YY: I usually prefer to listen to music, watch movies and go shopping with several friends. What about you?
XT: I favor sports, I usually watch contest or play football with friends.
YY: I went GuangZhou several days ago, and I find that the people in GuangZhou like to play Majhong to kill time.
XT: Yes, it's interesting to play Majhong as a way of entertainment to kill time.
YY: I seldom play it. What about you? Do you usually play Majhong?
XT: I usually play it when it's on Spring Festival or other festivals. Majhong is exactly a combination of cards and dominoes. Its basic pattern originates from card "horse dicks" in Ming Dynasty. It has a lot of interesting and complex playing method, but its basic playing method is very simple for beginners to play, which makes it one of the most attractive types of games in Chinese history. There are 156 mahjong pieces in a suit of Majhong, and 144 in the popular starter edition. While playing, we firstly shuffle, begin, manage the pieces, look at them, add pieces and finally play it.
YY: Wow, you're a master of Mahjong. How detailed you introduce it!
XT: It's nothing; you will get familiar with it after playing for several times. Besides, you have to learn some knack and operate with plans. Majhong requires intelligence while provides entertainment, one of the most important parts of Chinese traditional culture. Early in the 1920s, Majhong found its way from America to Europe, and became popular, regarded by many people as a way of amusement.
YY: Would you mind teaching me how to play if there is a chance? I want to learn it and feel myself the delight it brings people.
XT: Ok, I'd love to. Let's stop just talking and play it with some friends.