
    青青:胡子,我们绕道走吧,这条路太臭了,我受不了。    胡子:绕道走?那我们岂不是白来了。这味道就是我们来这里的目的。    青青:你来这儿就是为了闻这股臭味?    胡子:这味道闻起来臭,但吃起来香。    青青:你该不会带我来吃臭豆腐吧?    胡子:对,今天我请你吃臭豆腐。    青青:你饶了我吧,我情愿饿肚子也不吃这东西。    胡子:放弃这样的美食你会后悔的。     青青:Hu zi, let's come round. This way is so smelly, I'm sick of it.
胡子:Come round? Then we come here in vain. The smell is why we're here.
青青:The smell is why you're here?
胡子:The smell is smelly but the food tastes wonderful.
青青:Do you mean you bring me here for smelly bean curb?
胡子:That's right. I serve you smelly bean curb today.
青青:Oh, forget about it! I would rather to suffer from starving.
胡子:I promise,you'll regret for what you've given up.

Lesson Summary:
We consider smelly bean curd to be one of our top dishes, but have you ever tried the awful smelling bean curd? Today let's listen to the story about "smelly bean curd." Lesson Content: 青青: Hu Zi, let's go around this place. This road stinks so much, I can't stand it.
胡子:Go around? Well, then we've come here for no reason. That smell is the reason we're here.
青青:That smell is why we're here?
胡子:The odor is terrible but the food tastes wonderful.
青青:Do you mean you've brought me here to eat smelly bean curd?
胡子:That's right. I'm taking you to eat smelly bean curd today.
青青:Oh, forget it! I''d rather starve than eat that stuff.
胡子:If you pass up this delicacy, I guarantee you'll regret it.